Real name: Colette Guizot
Occupation: Former student, former Brotherhood trainee, former psychopath, now deceased
Identity: Electrique's true identity has never been revealed
Legal status: As Electrique, wanted in connection with several murders in Paris. As Colette, citizen of France wanted for questioning in the death of her grandfather.
Other aliases: Electricity (english translation of Brotherhood code name)
Place of birth: Lyons, France
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Grandfather (deceased)
Group affiliation: Formerly Brotherhood, gone rogue before her death.
Base of operations: Formerly Brotherhood's Paris safehouse, then mobile.
First appearance: May, 2001 (mentioned in Wraith's letter) December, 2001 (seen)
Final appearance: February, 2002

Colette Guizot's parents died when she was very young, so she was raised by her grandfather. Still, she grew up content, up until she accidentally killed the only family she had.

It was during a fight over curfew that Electrique's mutant powers first manifested. An arc of electricity shot out at him and nearly fried him. Colette ran away, afraid that she was a mutant and that she would be blamed.

Tracking news stories of mysterious deaths that could be mutant related was common practice of the Brotherhood, and so when this came to their attention, they sent out two operatives, Doughboy and Wraith, to track her down and rescue her before she was arrested or met a worse fate. They did so, although Doughboy was wounded in the process when they surprised her.

Once she was calmed down and the situation was explained, Colette was relieved at the chance to be around people like her, who could help her control her abilities, although she still suffered from guilt.

Helping her control her abilities was easier said than done, however, as she was prone to sudden outbreaks, both of heightened powers and of irrational thought processes. The brotherhood speculated that increased electrical activity through her brain during these 'outbursts' caused temporary psychosis. Magneto, leader of the Brotherhood, took a personal hand, especially when her outbursts grew too powerful for them to be contained. He needed to be nearby in order to contain her power, and grew even to have affection for her. Meanwhile, Doughboy visited her regularly, and the two formed an attachment. Her major complaint was that she was unable to leave the Brotherhood compound, for fear that she might have a sudden outburst. Even this fear was beginning to fade as they believed she was gaining more control.

Everything came to a head when one of Electrique's outbursts began a transformation into an entity composed of electrical energy. She killed many brotherhood operatives, including Doughboy, and severely wounded Magneto, who was nearby at the time. She escaped the Brotherhood compound and wreaked havok on the city, killing dozens of people and appearing on French news promising to kill everyone. Thankfully, before this could happen she went into a dormant state for several months, until her next 'outburst' activated her. By this time, the Brotherhood had a plan in operation. Using the combined powers of Magneto and Zandra, a member of the Pack, they were barely able to siphon off Electrique's excess energy and contain her. Finally, feeling that she asked him to be released and fearing what might happen with her next outburst, Magneto killed her while she was helpless.

Height: 5'4"/5'6" Weight: 120 lbs./0 lbs.
Eyes: Brown/Electric Yellow Hair: Blonde
Unusual physical characteristics: In her final form, Electrique was made completely of electricty, although still in with a semi-human appearance.
Strength level: While physical, Colette had the normal human strength of a girl her age, heigh, and build who engaged in slight regular exercise. When composed of electricity, her strength level could not be measured.
Known superhuman powers: Electrique originally had the ability to produce and control large amounts of electricity. Unfortunately, her power was prone to sudden ramp-ups, accompanied by altered mental states and insanity. Finally, she metamorphized into a purely electrical entity, with her previous powers (on a much higher level), plus the ability to transmit herself along electrical materials. By this time, she was irretrievably psychotic.
Other abilities:
Weapons and paraphernalia: None. At times before she transformed, she wore monitoring device to measure her power levels.
Other notes: Electrique is now dead.

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