(No picture available, as his physical appearance changes)

Real name: Ian Moore
Occupation: Former Performer, now Chauffer and Mutant Activist.
Identity: Doughboy's identity as a mutant may be suspected by those familiar with his life as a performer, but his connection to the Brotherhood is unknown.
Legal status: Citizen of the United Kingdom with no criminal record, now deceased.
Other aliases: The Painmaster, Blockhead Bill, and numerous others
Place of birth: Manchester, England
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: None
Group affiliation: Mutant Brotherhood
Base of operations: Formerly mobile, but often London, England
First appearance: December, 2001
Final appearance: December, 2001

Ian Moore was one of those few mutants who was in the public eye, using his powers, before the Black Prom... he simply wasn't known as a mutant. He had a relatively normal life, but in childhood he realized pain was something other people felt. He cashed in on this, taking dares from friends to do painful things.

When he graduated, having no particular prospects for college, he decided to make a living on it, putting on shows like you'd see in a circus, of people who'd jab needles through their arms to the delight and disgust for others.

He was approached to the Brotherhood shortly before the Black Prom in the United States, by a lower level member who saw his show. At first he laughed them off and thought he would be good on his own, but when the Black Prom story broke in the states he got scared. People began speculating at the shows, and people were scared of mutants in general. So, he got in contact with the Brotherhood and decided to make a 'respectable' life for himself. The Brotherhood helped, setting him up with a job with a chauffer company that was one of a number of Brotherhood front-companies.

The only mission which has so far been reported is when he and Wraith recruited a French girl on the run in Germany, who had electrocuted her uncle in the first use of her powers. She was hysterical, and shocked Doughboy at first, but they eventually calmed her down, and Doughboy took her to the Brotherhood safehouse in Paris.

Doughboy and the girl, Electrique, as she came to be called, grew close, but with an outburst of her powers that then rendered her psychotic, Doughboy was electrocuted to death.

Height: 5'8" Weight: 210 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel Hair: Brown
Unusual physical characteristics: Skin is malleable, and so his features can be molded to make him unrecognizeable.
Strength level: Doughboy possesses slightly higher than normal human strength of a man his age, height, and build, who engages in intensive regular exercise (he doesn't actually exercise, but he has the strength of someone who does).
Known superhuman powers: Much of Doughboy's body is malleable to some degree of another. His skin has the consistency of soft clay and, though his bones are fairly rigid, even they will bend rather than break if enough force is applied. This allows him to change much of his physical appearance... although he can't mimic any specific person very well, he can change his face to be virtually unrecognizeable to someone who knows him. Left to his own devices, all changes will revert to normal, but very slowly. It could take months of not molding his face in order to revert to his true appearance.

In addition to the malleability, Doughboy's body seems to have no sensation of pain whatsoever (likely without this, molding his body would be excruciating). He is also slightly resistant to damage, mainly because his skin gives before bruising, and has demonstrated at least slight resistance to energy attacks. Edged weapons are still potentially harmful to him, though with them he can facilitate healing by molding over the cuts.
Other abilities: Doughboy has a chauffer's license, and has a talent for online multiplayer deathmatch games. He's grown to be quite good to molding his face back to his favorite and most often used (though not 'natural) appearance.
Weapons and paraphernalia: Whatever the Brotherhood provides.
Other notes: Doughboy is a pretty friendly and laid back fellow. He believes in the aims of the Brotherhood, but isn't as dead serious about it as others.

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