Real name: Unrevealed
Occupation: Mercenary Terrorist
Identity: Troublemaker's identity is currently unknown to the public
Legal status: Citizen of the US with no known criminal record
Other aliases: None known
Place of birth: Unrevealed
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Unrevealed
Group affiliation: Mutant Liberation Front
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: June, 2001

Troublemaker's real name and history so far remains unknown. He was somehow recruited by the MLF while most of its members were in jail.

He was first seen in action in an ambush attack on two members of the X-Men, Rogue and Remy, which was designed to test their skills and get the X-Men's powers on tape.

He later played lookout for an attack on another X-Man, Samuel.

Height: 5'6" Weight: 115 lbs.
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Unusual physical characteristics: Troublemaker is fit, and his body is structured differently than most humans (see powers) but this is usually not evident.
Strength level: Troublemaker possesses the normal human strength of a man his age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise.
Known superhuman powers: Troublemaker's main mutation is an unusual body-structure, which makes him something like quadruple-jointed in every part of his body. Simply put, every joint can move in every possible direction, without pain and with about the same strength as the joint could move in its 'natural' direction. This allows him to, for example, throw a punch completely behind him, and literally bend over backwards to touch his heels, among other stunts. It also makes him an excellent contortionist. He also seems to possess an above-average speed and acrobatic ability which, if not superhuman in origin, is certainly on par with the very best.
Other abilities: Troublemaker is an excellent fighter and acrobat in his own right, and makes the best use of his mutant abilities to surprise opponents and throw them off-balance.
Weapons and paraphernalia: When needed, Troublemaker has access to some sort of body armor by the MLF, which is bullet-resistant and can be worn underneath clothes. Since it's somewhat constricting for fast movements, he doesn't often wear it. He also presumably has access to guns and explosives, but has never been seen using any.
Other notes: Troublemaker likes to talk a lot while he's fighting.

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