Real name: Indigo Montoya
Occupation: Police Officer
Identity: Indigo Montoya is publically known.
Legal status: Citizen of the US with no criminal record
Other aliases: None
Place of birth: Queens, NY
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Fernando and Willona Montoya (parents); Rico, Esteban, Julio, Roselita, Juanita, Maria (siblings)
Group affiliation: NYPD
Base of operations: New York, NY
First appearance: June, 2000


Indigo Montoya was born in Queens NY to Fernando and Willona Montoya on Aug 6, 1968. The 1st of 6 children, Indigo was welcomed with great joy and affection into her new family.

A child of mixed parentage, Indigo (or Indi as she was called) faced alot of rejection from both the hispanic and black communities. However, her warm heart and scrappy demeanor helped turn alot of people around to her.

Upon graduating high school in the top 10% of her class, Indi went to NYU where she studied philosophy particularly logic and deductive reasoning. Graduating early, Indi decided to follow in her father's footsteps and joined the Academy.

She has been in the force for just under 4 years now. She is a dedicated cop and strives to make a difference.

Height: 5'8" Weight: 145 lbs.
Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark brown
Unusual physical characteristics: None
Strength level: Indigo possesses the normal human strength of a woman her age, height, and build, who engages in regular exercise.
Known superhuman powers: None
Other abilities: Indigo is skilled in law enforcement techniques. She can handle a firearm and knows self-defense. Indigo also speaks fluent Spanish. Indigo is a skilled cook and a budding artist.
Weapons and paraphernalia: Colt .45, Billy club.
Other notes: Indigo Montoya's favorite movie is the _Princess Bride_.

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