Real name: Maria Callasantos, but rarely goes by anything but Feral
Occupation: None
Identity: Generally unknown, one look at her will probably change your mind
Legal status: Citizen of the U.S with no criminal record
Other aliases: Feral
Place of birth: The Bronx, NY
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Lucia Callasantos (sister, serving a life sentence), Marcella Callasantos (mother, deceased), Matteo Callasantos (brother, deceased), Carolina Callasantos (sister, deceased), Luis Callasantos (father, deceased)
Group affiliation: None as of yet
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: December, 2000

The only thing known about Feral is that she's lived in New York all of her life and that she lived in the NY subway tunnels for at least a year. She usually avoids talking about anything related to her past, and there's something abnormal about her behaviour and personality.

Height: 5'5" Weight: 110 lbs.
Eyes: Green with cate-eye pupils Hair: Orange with a streak of white
Unusual physical characteristics: Errm...right then...
Strength level: Feral can lift five times her own body weight
Known superhuman powers: Super strength, enhanced senses such as sight, sound and scent. She can also run up to 60 mph and leap five times her own body height. She also sports a hefty set of claws. Not something you want to meet in a dark alley at night.
Other abilities: Although she's never had any formal training and will never compete, Feral is at the level of most Olympic gymnasts.
Weapons and paraphernalia: Feral IS a walking weapon.
Other notes: Feral's first language is Spanish, although she's fluent in both English and Spanish

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