Real name: Beatrice Domineaux
Occupation: A government spook. With the Justice Department, currently on loan to OMA.
Identity: Just about everything about her is secret.
Legal status: US citizen with no criminal record
Other aliases: Domino, Dom. (Formerly Nena Carter.)
Place of birth: Unknown
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: None
Group affiliation: OMA
Base of operations: New York
First appearance: April, 2001

[Access denied: File classified]

Height: 5'8" Weight: 120 lbs.
Eyes: Blue Hair: Black
Unusual physical characteristics: Stark white skin with a black dot around her left eye.
Strength level: Domino has significantly more strength than you would expect from a woman of her height and build.
Known superhuman powers: She has no superhuman powers. Or does she? She's reported to have the Devil's own luck, but that's not a crime, is it?
Other abilities: Domino is a highly trained assassin, with all the talents that come with the title.
Weapons and paraphernalia: Almost permanently armed with at least one handgun, she also has access to just about anything she could need in any conceivable circumstance.
Other notes: Domino is always accompanied by at least one armed 'bodyguard'.

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