Real name: Caterina Quintero
Occupation: Surgeon and Doctor in a small underground clinic here in Harlem; Latin Community Leader
Identity: Unknown, thought to be a very religious woman, possible healing power from God. Vatican has no comment and will not investigate.
Legal status: American Citizen with no criminal record
Other aliases: Sister Trina, Doc., Trina
Place of birth: Unknown, thought to be in New England
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: None known
Group affiliation: Cliques scare her
Base of operations: Harlem, NYC
First appearance in New York: OOC: January, 2001, IC: She's been here for years.

Caterina Quintero sprung up in a few local newspapers in late 2000 due to her sudden activity in the Latin community in Harlem. Known to run an underfunded and underground clinic for the homeless and others who do not want to leave their names at triage, Caterina is sometimes called an Angel of Mercy.

There are those, however, who beleive she's trying to stir up racial problems within Harlem. Those few call her the Latina Devil.

Whichever Caterina is, there is no doubt that she sprung up almost literally from nowhere to prove that she is a great surgeon, doctor, and healer to her community. Background checks on Caterina offers simple facts as to her current status in the law (no records of any problems), her credit report (a little bit iffy, but normal for an American), and some vague inferences that she was born in New England somewhere and that she has no living relatives. She seems pretty clean and it is universally understood that she keeps her background secret so the ne'er-do-wells who frequent her clinic won't be able to track her down at home or elsewhere and take out revenge for something she couldn't cure.

Caterina does not consider her abilities 'Mutant' powers. She's a religious woman and believes that any power she has is a gift from God. Therefore, she'll heal both mortals and mutants, as mutants might have been touched by God... or, of course, the Devil.

Height: 5'5" Weight: Slim for height
Eyes: Brown Hair: Chestnut
Unusual physical characteristics: Her hair is unusually alluring. Some ask her if she's a vidal sassoon model.
Strength level: Average: Same as any woman her age who works out about twice a week.
Known superhuman powers: If you break it, she will fix it. Caterina is a psychic surgeon and has the power to fix most anything that ails you. She has limitations, of course, but some of her limits are even unknown to Caterina. Trina also has a calming influence on most anyone she comes in contact with. Her age is a bit iffy, as she also has self-healing powers.
Other abilities: An activist for the Latin community, Caterina sometimes finds herself in the spotlight. She's been in the hispanic community newspaper and was interviewed on TV once. She is thought of as a minor player in the racial/political tensions around New York City. Other than being a figure in the community, Caterina is, obviously, a student of the human body. She knows Biology and Pharmacology pretty well. Further, she's a good shot when she gets her hand around a gun.
Weapons and paraphernalia: A small pistol for protection (Harlem gets a bit mean), pepper spray, and the power to freeze muscles. She also carries around a large black purse which may or may not hold medical equipment, a first aid kit, or simply womanly things like a nail file and a brush.
Other notes: Caterina doesn't mind if you're a man or mutant, she'll heal you if you deserve it. Her accent is sex-y.

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