Real name: George Belfour
Occupation: OMA Agent, former salesman
Identity: Although Backfire's real name and occupation is a matter of public record, the fact that he is a mutant has not yet been revealed to the public. His superiors are aware of the fact, however.
Legal status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record
Other aliases: None
Place of birth: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Marital status: Divorced
Known relatives: None
Group affiliation: Office of Metahuman Affairs
Base of operations: New York Field Office of the OMA
First appearance: July, 2002

Much of Agent Belfour's still unknown. He moved to the United States for college, long before mutants were known about, and decided to stay there after he got a degree in English Lit. He wasn't particularly aware of his powers; occasionally, he got in a fight and the person hitting him got hurt, while he didn't. He just assumed he was that good. And, in any event, he didn't get into many fights.

He came very late to law enforcement. Mostly, he just got whatever jobs he could, often in sales. At some point, he met and married a woman named Jeanette, and they dated for a few years, and then were married for almost 9 more before it ended badly. During one of their many fights (over his infidelity), she slapped him, and he unintentionally redirected it back to her. She assumed he actually did hit her, and filed for divorce, but George knew he didn't. First he just thought she was lying... it was only later, in retrospect, that he pieced together what happened.

Jeanette won alimony in divorce court, and that sent George into a spiral. Depressed and struggling to make ends meet, he grew to be very bitter. A few months later, sitting in a bar, he got into a fight over politics (it was just after George W. Bush was elected). It turned physical, but though George landed few blows and took many, he was unhurt and the other guys were. The other guys weren't too aware of what was going on, but George pieced together that he must have been a mutant. The bartender there that night also saw, but, as they were friends, didn't 'out' George.

George took some time in figuring out what his powers were and what to do with them, but it wasn't until his bartender friend was killed in a random burst of mutant violence while on vacation in L.A. that he decided what to do. The formation of the OMA was still recent news, so he applied, disclosing his powers as fully as he knew them. They decided to give him a try, despite his relative inexperience with law enforcement; they had few reliable mutant agents. He went through training and along on a few missions where he distinguished himself. It was learned that he could even reflect fatal wounds on other people, making him virtually the ultimate defensive weapon; his powers could only kill someone if they were trying to kill him.

George now holds the position of 'Special Agent', given the OMA codename Backfire. He often works with a partner, most often the OMA agent with the codename Imprint.

Height: 6'6" Weight: 230 lbs.
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black, with Grey
Unusual physical characteristics: George wears glasses to correct his nearsightedness.
Strength level: George's strength is equivalent to a man of his height, age, and build, who engages in some regular exercise.
Known superhuman powers: George is a mutant with the ability to redirect attacks back on their originator. In general, when his powers are on, a person hitting him with a bullet will suffer a bullet wound, even if they are normally invulnerable; he's projecting his injuries onto them. Mutant powers are similarly deflected back onto their originator. This only deals with direct attacks... an energy blast which causes a wall to collapse on George may not be backfired (it may if it was intended to collapse the wall to harm him, though), nor will something like a sudden lack of oxygen (due to a TK moving it away).
Other abilities: George is a half decent salesman, and has a Bachelor's degree in English Literature.
Weapons and paraphernalia: Backfire carries a firearm.
Other notes: None

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