Real name: Dan Riccia
Occupation: Self-Employed, Amateur Gigolo
Identity: Dan's status as a mutant is plainly visible.
Legal status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record.
Other aliases: "Dan, Dan, the Antlerman", Dantlers
Place of birth: Sullivan County, New York
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Unrevealed
Group affiliation: None
Base of operations: New York, especially the club known as The Night Garden
First appearance:
July, 2005

Dan's early life is something of a mystery. He first started growing antlers his teen years and, after doctors were convinced he had a rare bone disorder that caused antler-like projections to grow from his head. This was before mutants were known about. His parents pulled him out of school and started homeschooling, and were obsessive about making him grind down the antlers.

As he tells it, when he was 18, he left home and started letting them grow out, just to see what happened, and was freaked out at how big and fast they grew. Mutants were just getting recognition, and he figured that's what he was. He quickly became an outcast from his small town (where it was pointed out in no uncertain terms that deer hunting was quite popular, and it might be a shame if somebody made a mistake), and he started wandering the country, trying to find a way to fit in and making something of his life. He went back and forth between cutting his antlers off and letting them grow.

In summer of 2004, he showed up in New York, and began frequenting the Night Garden as soon as it opened. He's a regular there.

Dan currently makes a decent, but not spectacular, living selling artwork made of his own severed antlers over the internet. He always buys a round at the Night Garden when he's just cut off a fresh pair.

Height: 6'1" (Up to 8' counting to top of antlers) Weight: 270 lbs.
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
Unusual physical characteristics: Dan frequently has huge freakin' antlers growing out of his head. This marks him unmistakably as a mutant. On some occasions he has these removed, and on this time he can hide his mutancy under a hat, although he still looks somewhat unusual.
Strength level: Dan possesses the normal human strength of a man his height, weight, and build. His neck strength is somewhat above normal.
Known superhuman powers: Dan's antlers regenerate to their full size over the course of a month if cut.
Other abilities: Antlerman has a (perhaps exaggerated) reputation with the ladies. He also is good with handicrafts, usually made out of his antlers.
Weapons and paraphernalia: Dan can use his antlers as a weapon if necessary.
Other notes: Dan the Antlerman is one of those cases of a random reference in a scene taking on a life of its own.

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