EXT. ASGARD -- DAY

               Establishing shot.  It is a land of great beauty.

                                     DONALD BLAKE (V.O.)
                         I am Thor, son of Odin.  I was born 
                         in Asgard, over a thousand years 
                         ago.  I have become the greatest 
                         warrior in Asgard or Midgaard.  With 
                         my hammer Mjolnir, I control the 
                         thunder itself.  No man may command 
                         me, and no man will stand in my way.  
                         The wrath of a God is not to be 
                         tempted lightly.  I give you one 
                         chance to avoid it.  Return to me my 
                         property, and release me so that I 
                         might do what must be done.

                                                                    CUT TO:

               INT. POLICE STATION - CELLS -- DAY

               DONALD BLAKE, a thin and not very impressive man is at one 
               of the cells, yelling out.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Release me!

                                     POLICE OFFICER #1
                         You say you're Thor?  I've been on 
                         my feet all day!

               The police officer laughs and starts walking down the hall.  
               Donald continues to scream.

               INT. POLICE STATION -- DAY

               Blake's yells can be heard, even at the desk where JANE FOSTER 
               sits, waiting to be interviewed by DOCTOR SIMONSON, a 
               psychologist called in by the police department.  The 
               detective returns with a cup of coffee, listening in.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Has Mr. Blake shown any signs of 
                         instability in the last few days?

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Doctor.  It's Doctor Blake.  And to 
                         answer your question, no.  He's 
                         probably the most grounded man I 
                         know.  I'm having trouble believing 
                         he'd do something like this.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Are you and Dr. Blake close?  



                                     JANE FOSTER
                         We work together. I'm a nurse at 
                         Bellevue Hospital.  He's a surgeon.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         And that's it?  You're just coworkers?  
                         Nothing... more?

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         What exactly are you implying?

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Well, you are listed as his contact 

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Dr. Blake doesn't have any family.  
                         I suppose we've become friends.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Maybe a little more than friends?

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         That would be against hospital rules.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         You must know it happens all the 
                         time.  So, you wouldn't be willing 
                         to... cover for him?

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I don't understand.  Cover for him 
                         for what?

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         You work into a hospital together.  
                         So, he would have access to any number 
                         of drugs which might have led to a 
                         psychotic break such as this one.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         We are very careful with that.  I 
                         can assure you, Doctor Blake is not 
                         on drugs.  Except...  he takes 
                         painkillers, sometimes.  For his 
                         leg.  But they're prescription.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         We know about those.  I just want to 
                         make sure you're honest with me.  As 
                         a medical professional you should 
                         know the more we know about his case, 
                         the more likely we'll be able to 
                         help him.   



                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I know.  But I'd stake my reputation 
                         on it, Doctor Blake isn't the type 
                         to take drugs.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Has he been under any unusual stress 
                         lately?  Maybe the death of a patient?

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         If he was, he didn't show any sign 
                         of it.  He seemed perfectly normal, 
                         and then... this.

               Questions continue to be asked, but the voices fade away as 
               the camera takes us back towards where Blake is being held, 
               and there's the sound of an increasing ruckus and more 
               unidentifiable shouting.

               INT. HOSPITAL HALLWAY -- DAY

               Blake has grabbed hold of a door handle and is using it to 
               halt his progress.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Thou shalt rue the day you dishonored 
                         Thor.  My business is vital, and 
                         mortals must not stop me.

               The guards pull.

                                     ORDERLY #1
                         Cripes, he's holding on tight.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I give thee one last warning.  Get 
                         in my way again, and I shall use my 
                         godly strength and break your limbs.

                                     ORDERLY #2
                         We're going to have to sedate him. 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Thine choice is made.

               Blake lets go of the door and, with a mighty yell, hurls a 
               punch at the closest orderly.  It makes contact, knocking 
               the man down.  He turns to the other.  His attacks are 
               forceful but not very stylistic, and, after a few dodges, 
               ORDERLY #2 knocks him to the ground with a leg sweep.  In a 
               moment, the much larger orderly is on him, holding him down, 
               and Orderly #1 rises to help too.

                                     ADMITTING DOCTOR
                         Hold him steady.

               The admitting doctor prepares an injection.



                                     ORDERLY #2
                         All right, 'Thor', meet Thorazine.

               The injection is made.  Blake continues to struggle until he 
               finally goes slack and relaxes.  His eyes loll back in his 

               OPENING CREDITS

               INT. SIMONSON'S OFFICE -- DAY

               Blake sits in an interview room, waiting.  Doctor Simonson 

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Hello, Doctor Blake.    They tell me 
                         you're feeling more yourself today.  
                         My name is Doctor Simonson.  We met 
                         earlier, but I'm not sure if you 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I remember.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         So you remember all of what went on 
                         while you were in a delusional state.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Most of it.  I remember going to the 
                         museum, trying to break into the 
                         display... fighting the security 
                         guards.  They tell me they're all 

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Yes, that's correct.  One of them 
                         has a broken nose.  Nobody's pressing 
                         criminal charges, but you might have 
                         a civil suit coming.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I'm sorry I hurt anyone.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         So you remember what you did.  Do 
                         you remember why?

                                     DONALD BLAKE

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Would you like to tell me?

               Blake is quiet for a few moments.



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I was sure that if I found my hammer, 
                         I'd get back my true form.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Your true form?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         What I thought was my true form.  
                         Thor, god of Thunder.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         From Norse mythology.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Yes.  Believe me, I realize now that 
                         it's completely insane.  I mean, I'm 
                         a doctor.  I can't understand how 
                         this happened to me.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         You said it yourself, you're a doctor.  
                         That's a pretty stressful job, and 
                         stress sometimes has unexpected 
                         effects on the human mind.    

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I didn't feel particularly stressed.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Well, we've ruled out drugs as a 
                         cause.  You have no history of mental 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         There's a history of cancer in my 
                         family.  I was worried it might be a 

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         We'll certainly look into that, once 
                         you're out of here.  You seem much 
                         more lucid now.  Do you think whatever 
                         this is has passed?

               Blake doesn't reply.  There's something he's holding back, 
               something he's not sure he should say.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON (CONT'D)

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No.  It hasn't.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         What makes you say that?



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I don't feel like I am Thor.  Not 
                         anymore.  Like I said, intellectually 
                         I realize how crazy it all is.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I still have all the memories.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         I'm not sure I understand.  Just 
                         because you remember your delusion...

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No, I remember more than the delusion.  
                         I remember being Thor.  Not just for 
                         the time I was trying to steal the 
                         hammer.  I remember a whole lifetime.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         You remember a life as Thor.  In 
                         addition to your life as Donald Blake?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Yes.  I don't know how this could 
                         be.  They feel the same as all my 
                         other memories, except they don't 
                         make sense together.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         I'm glad you felt free to admit that.  
                         It must have been difficult for you.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         My fear is... while I still have 
                         these memories, how do I know I'm 
                         better?  What if this isn't just a 
                         one time thing, brought on by stress.  
                         What if I suddenly think I'm Thor 
                         the next time I'm on the subway, or 
                         god forbid, with a patient?

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         That's a perfectly understandable, 
                         perfectly reasonable fear.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Do you have any idea what might cause 
                         something like this?

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Cause?  Not specifically.  But I 
                         have heard of similar cases.  You're 
                         a doctor, have you ever heard of The 
                         Jerusalem Syndrome?



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         That's where tourists to Jerusalem 
                         have a sudden religious experience, 

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Exactly.  Some of them feel compelled 
                         to go out and preach the word.  Others 
                         identify themselves with a paticular 
                         character in the Bible, like, say, 
                         John the Baptist.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         And what happens to these people?

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Most of them recover shortly after 
                         leaving the area, and some of these 
                         are people who had no known mental 
                         illness before or since.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         You think this is what I have?

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Not quite.  There are enough 
                         differences that it might be worth 
                         calling it something different.  
                         Say, the Asgard Syndrome, after the 
                         land of the Norse Gods.  Still, it 
                         seems to fit.  Your file says you 
                         were recently in Norway on vacation.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         It was a medical conference.   

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Right.  And your symptoms started 
                         when you learned about the hammer 
                         Mjolnir, and all that inspired you 
                         to go to a museum exhibit about Norse 

                                     DONALD BLAKE

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Excuse me?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         It's pronounced Mjolnir.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         My apologies.  Still, you see, it 
                         follows some of the same pattern as 
                         the Jerusalem syndrome.



                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON (CONT'D)
                         What I'd like to do, before we try 
                         drugs, is talk to you about your 
                         memories.  They won't be logically 
                         consistent, or if they are we'll 
                         find they came from some book you 
                         read long ago, and you'll be able to 
                         see how they can't possibly be real.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I know they can't be real.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         You know it up here
                              (taps his head)
                         But not yet here.
                              (taps his heart)
                         At least not completely.  Right?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         So where do you want me to start?

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         We were talking about the hammer, so 
                         let's start there.  Tell me about 
                         the hammer.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Well, it was created by Thor's father, 
                         Odin when he was young.  He...

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Let me stop you there for a moment.  
                         These memories.  Do you remember 
                         them as though they're happening to  
                         you, or are they impersonal, like 
                         you're watching a film.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         They feel like they happened to me.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Then, at least to start with, I'd 
                         like you to talk in that way, as 
                         though you're relating a memory.  
                         Also, really listen to yourself.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         All right.
                              (takes a deep breath)
                         My father created the hammer when I 
                         was young.  It was made of a rare 
                         metal, Uru, by the finest dwarven 
                         craftsmen.  While it was intended 
                         for me, it was not a gift.  It could 
                         be won by anyone.



                                     DONALD BLAKE (CONT'D)
                         Father placed many enchantments on 
                         the hammer, giving it the power to 
                         call down thunder and lightning, to 
                         return to the hand of whoever throws 
                         it, among others.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         So you, as Thor, God of Thunder, 
                         couldn't do these things yourself?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No, I only became God of Thunder 
                         once I mastered Mjolnir.  Asgardians 
                         don't really mean the word God in 
                         the same way you do.  It's more a 
                         term of nobility, and a position.  
                         Asgardians are stronger than the men 
                         of Earth, and never age, but beyond 
                         that we are fundamentally the same, 
                         except where magical tools or 
                         knowledge set us apart.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         So anyone who held the hammer could 
                         become God of Thunder?  

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         If they mastered it, perhaps.  But 
                         the most important enchantment on it 
                         was that only one who was worthy 
                         could lift the hammer Mjolnir.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         What makes one 'worthy'?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Many things.  Bravery.  Nobility of 
                         spirit.  Holding true to your oaths.  
                         Things that would make my father 
                         proud, although ultimately the magic 
                         of the hammer looks into your soul 
                         and decides whether you're worthy to 
                         bear it.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         And you were worthy.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No, not for many years.  My father 
                         placed it near to his throne.  I 
                         tried to lift it that first day.  So 
                         did my brother Loki.  Neither of us 
                         could budge it.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         How did you become finally claim it?



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Years after the hammer was created, 
                         when I was a young man, we were riding 
                         out in the countryside.

               EXT. ASGARD FOREST -- DAY

               We see for the first time, THOR, LOKI, and BALDER.  They 
               ride horses in a vast wilderness.  The camera follows them, 
               riding purposefully, in multiple shots that slowly transition  
               towards night, as Blake continues to speak.

                                     DONALD BLAKE (V.O.)
                         That is, Loki, Balder, and I.  Odin 
                         had charged us with negotiating a 
                         weregild between two noble families.  
                         There had been a fight between two 
                         young men over a woman, and one 
                         accidentally slew the other.  We 
                         finished early, as Balder and Loki 
                         was able to convince the families to 
                         agree.  I was mostly there in case 
                         it broke out into violence.  When we 
                         were done, I was eager to return 
                         home, so we rode until darkness fell, 
                         and then we made camp.

                                                                   FADE TO:

               EXT. ASGARD CAMP -- NIGHT

               There is a fire lit.  Thor sits in front of it, staring into 
               the low flames.  Balder sleeps, fitfully.  Loki is nowhere 
               to be seen.  Balder suddenly sits up, waking from a nightmare.

                         Easy, Balder.  There are no foes to 
                         fight this night.

                         I had a dream.

                         Yes.  Go back to sleep, and there'll 
                         be another.  May the next one be 
                         filled with mead and maidens.

                         No, this was... where is thy brother 

                         Who knows?  Who cares?



                                     THOR (CONT'D)
                         No doubt out in the woods, practicing 
                         potions and spells.
                         What was thy dream?

                         I dreamed of mine own death.

                         Death must come even to immortals 
                         like us.  All of us will fall in 
                         Ragnarok, if not before.

                         Yes, but we both heard the same 
                         prophecy.  My death is what helps 
                         unleash Ragnarok.

                         Then thou hast less to worry than 
                         most men.  My father wishes to delay 
                         Ragnarok as long as he is able.  He 
                         will find a way to make thee safe.


                         Art thou a coward, Balder?  Would 
                         thee run from battle, to preserve 
                         thy own life?


                         I thought not.  Rest easy.  Only 
                         cowards need fear death.  When we 
                         fall, we shall share drinks in 
                         Valhalla till the stars burn no more.

               There is a rustling sound, causing Thor and Balder to come 
               to alert.  Loki bursts through woods, out of breath.

                                     THOR (CONT'D)
                         Speaking of cowards.
                         Ho, Loki.  Wherefore dost thee run?  
                         Has one of thy potions finally earned 
                         thee the amorous attention of some 

                                                                    CUT TO:



               INT. SIMONSON'S OFFICE -- DAY

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         I'm going to stop you there for a 
                         moment.  When does this take place?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Well, we were still young.  This was 
                         before my mother laid enchantments 
                         protecting Balder from all harm, for 
                         instance.  We knew that, according 
                         to prophecy, one of Loki's children 
                         would be a gigantic wolf, and we 
                         made a lot of jokes about that.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         No, I meant more along the lines of 
                         what year.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I can't pin it down to an exact year, 
                         but it was before we Asgardians 
                         stopped coming to Earth regularly, 
                         so... over a thousand years ago.   

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Yet you're all speaking English.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Oh, no.  We spoke in the Old Tongue, 
                         then.  I'm just translating into 
                         modern Asgardian.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Modern Asgardian.  I have to say, 
                         Modern Asgardian sounds a lot like 
                         old fashioned English.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Yeah, I know it sounds strange.  
                         There's actually a really good 
                         explanation for that.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         No doubt.  I'm eager to hear it.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Hundreds of years ago, Odin ordered 
                         the Bifrost Bridge closed, and for 
                         us to cease our interference with 
                         Midgaard... with Earth, I mean.  
                         However, he continued to watch the 
                         Earth, and sometimes he would open a 
                         gate in the heavens to allow us to 
                         witness fierce battles on Earth, or 
                         great works of art.



                                     DONALD BLAKE (CONT'D)
                         One play so enamored the faerie folk 
                         of Asgard, that they wove a spell 
                         over all the land, replacing our 
                         language with that of the play's 

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         What play was that?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         A Midsummer Nights Dream.  

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Of course.  So you talk with thees 
                         and thous and thines.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         The first few years we all spoke 
                         entirely in rhyming couplets, but 
                         that part of the spell wore off.  
                         The rest of the language stayed with 
                         us, though.  Many can still speak 
                         the old tongue, but it requires a 
                         deliberate effort.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         That's a very convenient answer.  
                         Let's put it aside for now and come 
                         back to it later.  What happened 
                         when Loki returned?

               INT. ASGARD CAMP -- NIGHT

                         Has one of thy potions finally earned 
                         you the amorous attentions of some 

                         This is not the time to mock me, 
                         brother, or you'll not know what 
                         I've discovered.

                         What is it, Loki?

                         I've seen a troll.

                         Thou hast gone into the caves?

                         No, it was here, on the surface.



                         Impossible.  Odin has decreed the 
                         trolls not leave their underground 

                         One has broken our father's law, it 
                         seems.  He will want to deal with 

                         Or we could handle the problem for 

                         Art thou sure that wise?

                         Wiser to solve a problem early than 
                         to wait.  There's only one of them?

                         I only saw one, brother.

                         Are we men or are we boys?  If we 
                         three cannot defeat one troll, we 
                         should flee Asgard in shame.  

                         Very well.  Lead on, Loki.

               They investigate, and come upon a troll in the woods.  The 
               troll has grey skin and an ugly face, but is small for a 
               troll, only slightly larger than Thor himself.  The troll is 
               eating some sort of animal, and is unaware of Thor and his 
               group.  They are hiding in the bushes as they discuss the 

                         Fah.  This one's not even a challenge.

                         Prudence would still be in order.

                         Fine, be prudent.  I'll handle this 
                         one on my own.  Don't come to my aid 
                         unless I call thee, Balder.

                         Brother, I think...

                         Worry not, Loki.  No one will think 
                         less of thee if thee hides in the 



                         But, Brother...

                         Let the warriors handle it.  If I 
                         cannot defeat it, thou should run.


                         What is it, Loki?  Thou nag worse 
                         than a mother.

               Loki finally gives up and smiles icily.

                         I merely wanted to wish thee luck, 

               Thor claps Loki on the shoulder, then gets to his feet.  He 
               circles around to the Troll.  

                         Troll.  Thou art breaking Odin's 
                         law.  I give thee one chance to return 
                         on your own legs, else I shall smite 
                         thee down and drag thee there myself.

               The troll begins to laugh, finds a broken tree branch on the 
               ground, and raises it as a club.  Taking that as a cue that 
               diplomacy has failed, Thor charges into battle.  Thor is 
               clearly the superior warrior, not only faster than the troll, 
               but smarter as well.  He dodges many attacks, and eventually 
               lands a blow on the creature's legs.  It lets out a howl and 
               goes into a stagger.  Thor moves in, more confident and cocky, 
               and his cockiness is almost his undoing as the troll swings 
               a fist out and knocks him from his feet.

                                     SMALL TROLL
                         ULIK!  Asgardian!

               Thor regains a standing posture and picks up his hammer.

                         Not just any Asgardian.  Thou faces 
                         Thor, son of Odin.

               Behind Thor, more trolls appear.  Larger ones.  One of them 
               is ULIK, the leader of this band of rock Trolls.

                         Soon to be Thor, dead son of Odin 
                         whose bones will decorate my crown.



                         Ah, more of you.  Good.  I prefer a 
                         fair fight.  You have broken Odin's 
                         law, and shall be punished. 

               Thor's last words are heard only quietly, as we cut to Balder 
               and Loki in the bushes, speaking in quiet tones.  

                         Thou said thee only saw one.

                         I did.
                         But the troll I saw was not the one 
                         Thor went to fight.  I think it was 
                         that big one, there.

                              (rising to his feet)
                         Yet thee let him charge in all the 

                         He seemed so eager.  I couldn't bear 
                         to stop him.

                         We'd better help him.

                         We?  May fortune favor thee, Balder, 
                         and I'll drink a toast to you both, 
                         but this is not my fight.

               Loki gets up and gets ready to go.   

                         If Thor falls because of your 
                         mischief, Loki, Odin will not be 
                         pleased with you.

               LOKI scowls, but turns back to the fight.  He walks slowly 
               behind as Balder rushes in.

               The next few minutes are an extended action sequence.  Balder 
               joins Thor, and they stand back to back as they face the 
               oncoming trolls, separating now and then to fight one.  Ulik 
               allows the other trolls to do most of the fighting at this 
               point.  The rest of the trolls are dumb combatants, and 
               although they are somewhat stronger than the Asgardians, 
               their skill in battle is lacking.  Balder redirects one 
               charging into him into striking another.   Thor jumps on 
               one's back and holds on to his neck, twisting until it cracks 
               with a loud noise.  Another knocks Thor to his feet 
               immediately after the dead troll falls, and comes very close 
               to killing him.



               It's at then we see Loki deciding to intervene at last.

                              (mutters in an ancient 
                              language, possibly 
                              old Norse)
                         Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der 
                         gue, orn desh, dee born desh, de umn 
                         bork bork bork!

               With this, the trees themselves begin to come alive, and 
               wrap themselves around the trolls.  Loki looks satisfied, 
               and not particularly interested in joining in the physical 
               confrontation.  Although most of the trolls are captured in 
               this way, it is done over about thirty seconds, during which 
               the fight continues.  One of the trolls knocks Balder roughly 
               to the ground, at the feet of Ulik, who is angry at the 
               suddenly attacking trees.

               Ulik grabs Balder by the throat and lifts him into the air.  
               Thor's attention is immediately on the danger his friend is 

                         Cease this sorcery, or I shall snap 
                         his neck.

                         Harm him, and thou will be able to 
                         count the remaining beats of thy 
                         heart on thy fingers.

                         Bold words.  You men of Asgard are 
                         very bold, very arrogant.  You presume 
                         to make laws for trolls.  But we are 
                         stronger than you, and your deaths 
                         will be but the first.  The trees 
                         still hold my brothers.  

               Ulik squeezes Balder's throat.

                         Wait.  Loki, stop your magic.

               From his hiding spot, Loki waves a hand, and the tree limbs 
               squeeze more tightly.  He's ignored Thor's advice, deciding 
               that a threat would work better than an agreement.

                         I should cause the river to change 
                         its course, and swallow you all.  
                         Let him go.



                         This Loki must not care much for 
                         your friend.  In this we agree.  I 
                         tire of him.

               (he flexes ready to squeeze again) 

                         Wait.  Thou thinkest trolls are better 
                         than men?

                         I know it.

                         Then I give thee the opportunity to 
                         prove it.  I challenge thee under 
                         the ancient codes, to single combat, 
                         until death or one of us yields.

                         Thou darest challenge me? 

                         If thou wins, I shall be thy prisoner.  
                         Thou will release my friends to tell 
                         my father Odin.  He will pay any 

                         I think I would enjoy keeping the 
                         son of Odin as a slave.

                         Only if thou wins.  If I win, thou 
                         and thy band shall return to the 
                         troll kingdoms, and remain there for 
                         no less than a thousand years.

                         No weapons.

                              (hesitating only a 

               Thor drops his hammer, and gets into a crouch.  It's clear 
               he's outmatched here.  Ulik is nearly twice his size, stronger 
               than any of the other trolls.  Thor gets in a good first 
               shot, kicking at the troll's kneecap and sending him down on 
               one knee, and then landing several blows before Ulik catches 
               him by the hand and flinging him into the woods.  This begins 
               a round where Thor is being hurt most.



               Now that the fight is a formal challenge, the rest of the 
               trolls, released from the trees, stand watching.  Loki moves 
               to help up Balder to his feet.

                         He has no hope.  It would be wise 
                         for us to leave now.  The sooner we 
                         reach home, the sooner father might 
                         ransom him.

                         Do not discount thy brother yet.

               The fight continues.  Thor is now taking a cagier approach.  
               He's still striking where he can, but is relying more on 
               feints and trying to dodge any of Ulik's serious blows.

                         Yield, son of Odin.  Thou hast fought 
                         well, but even the most stubborn-
                         minded must acknowledge I am superior.

               Thor spits out blood.

                         Thou art superior to no man.

               Ulik kicks Thor, who rolls with it and then rests on his 
               hands and knees.

                         Yield.  Thou shalt never defeat me.

                              (very softly)
                         I don't have to.

                         What's that?  Did thee yield?

                         I said I don't have to defeat thee.

               Ulik is amused and suspicious all at once, enough to stop 
               approaching for the moment.

                         No?  Pray tell, why not?

                         My father's laws enforce themselves.  
                         Any troll struck by rays from  
                         Asgard's sun shall turn to stone.  I 
                         need not defeat thee.  I need but to 
                         hold the line until sunrise.



               Ulik becomes enraged, approaching again.


                         I say thee nay, Ulik.

               Ulik rushes Thor, desperate to finish the fight before 
               sunrise.  This makes him sloppier, and Thor is able to stumble 
               out of the way, and, with renewed strength, trip him.  He 
               launches attacks while Ulik is down.  Ulik pushes Thor back 
               while getting to his feet again.  There are a few more blows 
               traded.  Both combatants are nearing the end of their 
               strengths, but Thor manages to wrap an arm against Ulik's 
               neck. He's too large to snap it directly, but he does his 
               best to block his airway.

                                     THOR (CONT'D)
                         Dost thou see the sky, troll?  See 
                         how light it is?  Dawn appraoches 

               Ulik roars.

                                     THOR (CONT'D)
                         Yield, Ulik.  Yield, and there may 
                         yet be time to return to thy caves.

               Ulik bends down suddenly, tossing Thor to the ground in front 
               of him.  Thor groans, and rolls out of the way of Ulik's 
               follow-up punch to the ground.  He's still lying on the 
               ground, on his back, but when Ulik approaches next time, 
               Thor kicks him in the groin.  Ulik slumps to the ground, 
               giving Thor time to reach his feet.  Thor approaches 
               menacingly, and stops only when Ulik cries out.

                         I yield!

               Thor stops, shoulders slump.   

                         Good.  Go, Ulik.  I have thy oath.  
                         One thousand years.  Now run.  I 
                         hear even trolls reawakened from 
                         stone lose their memories of the 
                         last year.  I'd hate for thee to 
                         forget I triumphed over thee.

               Ulik growls, gets to his feet, and waves to his troll allies.  
               They begin to run through the woods.  Balder runs up and 
               claps Thor on the shoulder.  This last blow is too much for 
               him, and he falls to the ground.

                         Loki.  Help me with thy brother.



               Loki rolls his eyes. 

               INT. ASGARD - ODIN'S HALL -- DAY

               Thor still moves stiffly, covered with bruises, but he is 

                                     DONALD BLAKE (V.O.)
                         We returned home to tell Odin of 
                         what we did, but it seemed he already 

                         Thou hast done well, my son.  Come, 
                         I have arranged a feast in thy honor.  

               Thor responds politely, but his eyes are drawn elsewhere.

                         Thank you, father.

               Odin follows Thor's gaze, and we see Mjolnir, the mighty 
               hammer that Thor will become famous for.  It is larger than 
               the one he normally carries, and made of a stone-like metal.

                         Dost thou think thou art worthy?

                         I would like to try, father.

               Loki steps forward.

                         Wait.  I defeated far more trolls 
                         than thee, Thor.  I contained nearly 
                         the whole band, and could have killed 
                         them if not for Balder.  I should be 
                         allowed to try first.

                         Thou used magic, brother.  Being 
                         clever does not make thee worthy.

                         Magic is no less noble than hitting 
                         someone.  Or being hit and being too 
                         stubborn to fall.

                         True, Loki.  However, it is the way 
                         one's talents are used that determines 
                         worth.  Do you think what thou didst 
                         reflects well upon thee?

               Loki considers, but knows in his heart that it did not.



                                     ODIN (CONT'D)
                         Try, Loki.  Try to lift the hammer.

                         No father.  Let Thor try first.

                         Loki, I say try.

               Loki hesitantly moves towards the raised slab with the hammer 
               upon it.  He reaches down and, with both hands, using all 
               his strength, tries to lift it.  It doesn't even budge.  He 
               quickly gives up, humiliated but too proud to show it.

                         I want it not.  Of what use would a 
                         hammer be to me?  It is a fool's 
                         weapon, no subtlety at all.

                         Thou hast great potential within 
                         thee, Loki.  However, it remains up 
                         to thee whether to use that potential 
                         for the good of Asgard, or for 

                         Make way, and allow me my turn.

               Odin holds up a hand to stop him.

                         Be warned, Thor.  One act rarely 
                         makes a man worthy or unworthy.  If 
                         the hammer is too heavy for thee 
                         this day, do not be discouraged, and 
                         continue to act as I expect from 
                         both of my sons.

               Loki makes another annoyed face.  Thor simply nods, and grabs 
               the hammer with one hand.  At first he strains with all his 
               might, and nothing happens.  Loki is pleased, and is on the 
               verge of saying something mean when, very slowly, the hammer 
               begins to raise from the floor.  It seems to take all of 
               Thor's strength, but he's done it.  Thor is triumphant, Loki 
               is once again dismayed.

                                     DONALD BLAKE (V.O.)
                         It was heavy at first, but it soon 
                         felt like it belonged in my hand, 
                         like it had always been there.

                         May I keep it, father? 



                         Thou hast lifted it, my son.  Mjolnir 
                         is thine, and so long as thou canst 
                         weild it, not even I shall take it 
                         from thee.     

                                     DONALD BLAKE (V.O.)
                         My father was so proud, that he sent 
                         word throughout Asgard.  I was no 
                         longer simply Thor, son of Odin.  I 
                         had taken my first steps to becoming 
                         Thor, God of Thunder.

               INT. SIMONSON'S OFFICE -- DAY

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Wasn't it always certain you'd become 
                         the God of Thunder?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         What do you mean?

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         You talked about how Balder's death 
                         brings forth Ragnarok, and both of 
                         you knew this.  The gods of Asgard 
                         were bound by fate.  So wouldn't 
                         you... wouldn't Thor have known he'd 
                         always become the God of Thunder?  
                         So why be so proud of it?  For that 
                         matter, how could he be brotherly 
                         with Loki, knowing what is to come.     

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         It's not as simple as that.  We never 
                         knew the whole story, only some of 
                         the details, and the details 
                         themselves were sometimes misleading.  
                         Yes, my brother might become my enemy, 
                         but he's still my brother.  If I 
                         treated him differently because of 
                         it, that might very well be the cause 
                         of our conflict.
                         We had an eye on the future, but we 
                         also lived very much in the moment, 
                         because we expect to be alive for 
                         hundreds, if not thousands of years 
                         before our destinies play out in 
                         Ragnarok.  It's like... you know 
                         you're going to die.  But you still 
                         live every day on its own, most of 
                         the time without focusing on what is 
                         to come.  What other choice do you 



                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         I see.  I think that's enough for 
                         the moment.  I think in order to 
                         help you, I'm going to need to do a 
                         little more research on the Norse 
                         stories.  It's almost time for lunch, 
                         get something to eat.

               Blake stands.  At the window, a raven lands, and caws.   


               A clean room for ambulatory patients to get together and 
               eat.  Donald Blake holds a tray of food, and looks around.  
               The patients here are mentally ill, and more than a few of 
               them show it.  Blake is out of his element, and a bit afraid 
               that he really belongs here.  He limps around and finds an 
               empty place, next to two patients, BETA-RAY BILL, and LEE 
               KIRBY.  Bill is an older man in glasses, reminiscent of Stan 
               Lee (maybe played by him in cameo).

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Mind if I sit here?

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         Go ahead.  You're new here?

                                     DONALD BLAKE

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         My name's Lee Kirby.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Donald Blake.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         William Lawrence Leiber, but everyone 
                         calls me Bill.

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         Actually, everyone calls him Beta-
                         Ray Bill.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Beta-Ray Bill?

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         The government uses Beta-Rays to 
                         keep us ignorant of their mind control 
                         techniques.  I built a machine that 
                         lets me see through Beta-Ray fields.  
                         It also detects Skrulls.  There aren't 
                         any of those here, though.

                                     DONALD BLAKE



                                     LEE KIRBY
                         Don't even get him started.  What's 
                         wrong with your leg?

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         There's nothing wrong with his leg, 
                         it's all in his head.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No, it isn't.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Yes, it is.  That's why you're here, 
                         isn't it?  

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No, it isn't.
                              (to Kirby)
                         It's just a childhood injury.

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         So if you're not here about the leg, 
                         what are you here for?

                                     DONALD BLAKE

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         You're not in Bellevue Psychiatric 
                         for the scenery.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I had some kind of breakdown... tried 
                         to break into a museum.  They've got 
                         me here to make sure I'm okay.  What 
                         about you?

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         Different kind of break down.
                              (raises his wrists to 
                              show scars)
                         Depression.  I'm getting better, 
                         under treatment, but I don't think 
                         I'm ready to go out there yet.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I'm sorry.

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         You've got nothing to be sorry about.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         They say I suffer from paranoid 
                         schizophrenia, so they forced me in 
                         here to shut me up and discredit my 



                                     BETA-RAY BILL (CONT'D)
                         Actually, this is the safest place 
                         for me right now, since I can see 
                         any assassin coming and freak out 
                         until the orderlies send them away.
                              (takes a bite)
                         Yes, I know that that sounds like 
                         just what a paranoid schizophrenic 
                         would come up with.  Sometimes the 
                         best lies are the the most obvious 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         You sound like my brother.
                              (gets flustered)
                         I mean... I don't have a brother.  I 
                         don't even know why I said that.

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         Hey, don't worry about it.  There's 
                         no shame here.  The sooner you 
                         confront your problems, the sooner 
                         you deal with them.

               In the background, we see Jane Foster talking to an orderly, 
               who points in Blake's direction.  As it's behind Blake, he 
               doesn't see this.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Looks like you have a visitor.

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         How do you know she's not here to 
                         see me?

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         She's too pretty to be here for you.  
                         If she was here to see you, you 
                         wouldn't be depressed.

               Blake sees who it is, stands up.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         She's a friend of mine.  Excuse me 
                         for a moment.

               Blake walks to meet her halfway.  Jane holds up a wooden 

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I thought you might want to have 
                         this.  They said it was okay to bring 
                         it in.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Thank you so much.



                                     DONALD BLAKE (CONT'D)
                         The one they gave me's just a little 
                         too short to be comfortable.  You 
                         didn't have to come out of your way 
                         just to bring this, though.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Well, I wanted to see how you're 
                         doing.  You're seeming...

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Less crazy?

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I was going to go with better.  How 
                         are you?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I feel more or less like myself.  I 
                         don't know what happened to me.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         So do you think you'll be getting 
                         out soon?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         They're holding me for the full 72 
                         hours, just to be safe, but even if 
                         they would let me go today... I need 
                         to know what's happening to me.  I 
                         don't feel like I should be practicing 
                         medicine until I can be sure this 
                         won't happen again.  That is, if 
                         I'll still have my job at all after 
                         this.  I'm probably the laughing 
                         stock of the hospital now.  Went 
                         straight from surgery to behavioral.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I didn't say anything but... word 
                         does get around.

                                     DONALD BLAKE

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I'm sure they'll understand, it's 
                         just stress.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I wish I could blame it on stress.  
                         To be honest, I'm scared there's 
                         something seriously wrong with me.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         No, it's just stress.



                                     JANE FOSTER (CONT'D)
                         I'm sure that's all it is.  But I 
                         want you to know, no matter what, if 
                         you need a friend, I'm here for you.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Hey, aren't you supposed to be on-

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I switched shifts.  But I can't stay 
                         very long.  In fact, I really should 
                         get going.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I understand.  Thank you for coming.

               Jane stands, and Donald does likewise.   

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         You have my number.  When they let 
                         you out, if you need a ride or 

                                     DONALD BLAKE

               Impulsively, she hugs Donald, surprising him.  There are 
               tears in her eyes.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Get better.

               She walks off.  Shortly after, Beta-Ray Bill and Other Patient 
               come back.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         That your girlfriend?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No... no, she's just a friend.  A co-
                         worker, actually.  She brought me 

               Donald shows off his cane.   

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Is it heavy?  It looks heavy.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No, not that heavy.  Sturdy though.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         It made of some kind of stone?  Or 
                         is it metal?



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No, just plain wood.   

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         What does she do?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         She's a nurse.

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         You said she was a co-worker.  Does 
                         that make you a nurse too?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I was a doctor.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         And now?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                              (looking downward at 
                              his cane)
                         I don't know anymore.

               INT. SIMONSON'S OFFICE -- DAY

               Donald Blake and Doctor Simonson are talking.  It's nearing 
               the end of their session.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Well, we're almost out of time.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         You haven't asked me anything about... 

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         I know, I wanted to look at the rest 
                         of your life.  Your real life.  Does 
                         that bother you?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No, I just... thought it was odd.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         It's okay if it does.  It's an 
                         understandable reaction.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         It just seemed like we were dancing 
                         around the elephant in the room.  
                         Why I'm here.



                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Why you're here has more to do with 
                         what we've talked about right now, 
                         about your childhood and life, your 
                         need to prove yourself, than any of 
                         those memories you've invented.  But 
                         since you've brought it up, how do 
                         you feel about what you told me this 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I'm not sure what you mean.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Does it still feel real?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Of course it does.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Okay.  Well, for our next session, 
                         I'd like you to try something new.  
                         I want you to write something from 
                         Thor's life, on paper.  Not the same 
                         story you told me this morning.  
                         Something new.  Something about a 
                         time you felt weak, and what you did 
                         to overcome it.  But instead of 
                         writing it as a story that happened 
                         to you, write it in the third person.  
                         Thor is a character, like any other.  
                         Tell it from the perspective of 
                         another character in the story.  
                         Make it entertaining, and remember 
                         that's what it is, a story.


               Donald Blake is struggling to write something in a notebook.  
               He's started and crossed out his work several times already, 
               and is looking around the common room for inspiration.  He 
               sees SULLY, a bald orderly, a tough guy type, speaking to 

                         I don't care.  My chart says you 
                         take your pills, so you're going to 
                         take them if I have to shove them 
                         down your throat.

               Bill seems suitably cowed, and empties his pill-cup into his 
               mouth, swallowing.  The bald orderly turned away, muttering 
               to himself, and Bill immediately spits something into his 
               hand.  We follow the bald orderly from Donald's point of 
               view, and then suddenly see the paper, where he has begun to 




               Through a montage, we see Blake continue to write for some 
               time.  He's got quite a bit, when he is interrupted, with a 

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         What ya writing?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Nothing, really.  It's just a story.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         I like stories.  What's it about?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Warriors.  Love.  Jealousy.  Magic.  
                         It's not very good.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Sounds interesting to me.

               He gets Blake's attention away from the paper and back towards 
               the Sully.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL (CONT'D)
                         Sully's on the warpath again.  Just 
                         a warning.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         He seems like a real charmer.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         We all hate him.  So pushy.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         He doesn't really seem suited to the 
                         job... but you know, you really should 
                         take your medication.  For your own 

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         I bet your patients love you.  You 
                         got that whole caring doctor thing 
                         down pat.  But I know what I'm doing.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         And what's that?

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Staying sharp.  The pills make me 
                         all foggy.  If they come for me, I'd 
                         rather be crazy and sharp than sane 
                         and dull.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I'd think you'd want to be well.



                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         A wise man once said, "They called 
                         me mad, and I called them mad, and 
                         damned, but they out voted me."  But 
                         maybe I'm right after all.  Maybe 
                         we're the sane ones.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I don't think so, Bill.

               Over on the other end of the room, Sully takes the remote 
               control away.  Distantly, we hear,

                         Fine, you don't want to take your 
                         pills, no TV.  Everyone, blame Mary 
                         here for no TV for the next hour.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         What a jerk.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         He can't do that, can he?

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         None of the other orderlies on the 
                         shift will stand up to him.  Sully 
                         the Bully.

               Lee Kirby walks over.

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         Sully the Bully did it again.  Want 
                         to play a game of checkers?

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         I'm sick of checkers.  Hey, Donald 
                         here's got a story to tell us.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I really don't think...

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         It's got magic.  I love a good story.  
                         And you always did go for the fantasy, 
                         didn't you Kirby?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         It's part of my therapy, I really 
                         don't think...

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         It must be Simonson's idea.  He's a 
                         good guy.  Doesn't go straight through 
                         to the drugs like most doctors do.



                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         So come on, tell us.  We'll help.  
                         We can make your story better, 
                         constructive criticism.  What else 
                         are we going to do?

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         I could tell you one of my stories, 
                         if you'd like, but my best one has 
                         my wife cheating on me with my best 
                         friend, so they're kind of depressing.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         No, Donald's going to tell us his 
                         story.  It's got magic.  We could 
                         use a more little magic in our lives.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                              (giving in)

               EXT. ASGARD INN -- NIGHT

               A tall, bald man stands, in full armor, with an axe in one 
               hand.  This is SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER.  He is standing outside 
               an inn.  The inn is full of music and song, a party is going 
               on within.  But there is no party going on for Skurge.  He 
               has a look of stern determination.

                                     DONALD BLAKE (V.O.)
                         They called him Skurge the 
                         Executioner.  He was a warrior of 
                         some reknown in the lands of Asgard.  
                         But he was a hard man, and very much 
                         a bully.  Some warriors defend the 
                         weak, Skurge pushed them around.  
                         But no man's soul is all good or all 
                         bad.   Skurge was also a man in love, 
                         with the beautiful Enchantress Amora.  
                         He would do anything for her to prove 
                         his worth, and she gave him a task.  
                         He was to capture Thor, son of Odin, 
                         god of Thunder.   He was no match 
                         for Thor's mighty hammer Mjolnir.  
                         So he would strike at Thor when he 
                         was weakest.

               INT. ASGARD INN -- NIGHT

               Inside the party continues, as Norse men and women of all 
               sizes enjoy themselves.  Thor is the center of attention, 
               and he is exceptionally drunk, though not quite so drunk as 
               the man beside him, who soon collapses over.  There is a 
               resounding cheer.  



                         Who is the greatest drinker in all 
                         of Asgard?


                         And who is the greatest warrior in 
                         all of Asgard?


                         Who makes the sky tremble at his 


                         And never forget that!  More mead!

               There is another cheer. 

               EXT. ASGARD INN -- NIGHT

               Some time later, Thor staggers out.  He shouts,

                         Thou art next, Volstagg, as soon as 
                         I make some room.

               He begins humming to himself to the tune of the music, and 
               stands against a tree, where we hear a slight tinkling sound.  
               Once he's finished, he turns and Skurge is there.  With one 
               blow, Skurge knocks him unconscious.   Thor's hammer falls 
               to the ground, and at first Skurge tried to pick it up, but  
               cannot make it leave the ground.  Finally, he throws Thor 
               over one shoulder and walks into the night.

               INT. ASGARD - AMORA'S HOME -- NIGHT

               We see for the first time, AMORA the Enchantress, a beautiful 
               sorceress.  She lies on a large bed, reading a book to 
               candlelight.  Her home is rustic, but not without its share 
               of majesty.  Skurge enters, still carrying Thor.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         Amora, my dear, my angel, I have 
                         done as thou hast requested.

                         Thou hast?



                                     AMORA (CONT'D)
                              (rises to look)
                         Thou hast!  My, Skurge, this is a 
                         surprise.  How manly of thee.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         My lady inspires me.  Thou hast but 
                         to wish, and I will move Asgard itself 
                         to make it so.

                         Indeed.  My thanks.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         What are we to do with him?

                         Oh, I have an idea.  We'll transform 
                         him into something.  A frog, perhaps.  
                         But I need something else from thee.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         Anything.  Just ask.

                         I need one of Idunn's golden apples, 
                         picked fresh by moonlight.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         But it will take me all night.  What 
                         if he wakes?

                         I have spells that will keep him in 
                         slumber.  Go, now.  I will grant 
                         thee a kiss upon thy return.

               Skurge hesitates, but leaves the cave.  Amora smiles, looking 
               over Thor's form.  She places a hand on his face lovingly, 
               then moves to a cauldron, where there is a rack of small 
               bottles.  As her back is turned, we see Thor open one eye 
               and look around, then close it again as he hears Amora moving.  
               She returns to her book.

                                     AMORA (CONT'D)
                         The poor dumb fool.  By the time he 
                         returns, thou wilt be mine, body and 
                         soul, Lord of Thunder.  Why have a 
                         warrior when I can have royalty?

               EXT. ASGARD - AMORA'S HOME -- NIGHT

               We see that Skurge is waiting outside the cabin, listening.

                         Ah, here it is... the formula of a 
                         love potion.




               Skurge comes bursting in.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         Nay, Amora.  How dare thee do this 
                         to me.   

                         Do what?

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         A love potion.  On him, after all 
                         I've done.

                         Thou must have misheard.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         Nay.  Thou wouldst betray me.  Well, 
                         there'll be no Thunder God for thee.  
                         I'd rather remove his head than see 
                         thee in his arms.

                         Skurge, no!

               Skurge makes a chopping motion with his axe.  Thor springs 
               into action, opens his eyes, and rolls to the side just in 

                         No execution today, Skurge.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         I'll kill thee, Thunder God.

                         Will it make thee feel better, Skurge?  
                         To kill thy better?  Then try.

               They fight, while Amora rushes to her cauldron and begins 
               furiously mixing things.  Thor is on the defensive, having 
               no weapon.  At one point, Thor ducks barely out of the way 
               of a swing of the axe, and it gets lodged in a wall.  Thor 
               takes the opportunity to strike, knocking Skurge off balance 
               and so he is unable to retrieve the blade.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         I'm still stronger than thee, even 
                         without the axe.

               The struggle continues.  Skurge presses forward in the fight 
               and catches Thor in a hold.   

                         Tis true, but I'm the better warrior.



               Thor makes a move that uses Skurge's own weight against him, 
               and then knocks him quickly onto his back. 

               During the fight, Amora has been adding things to the 
               cauldron.  Now that Skurge is down, Thor kicks it over, 
               spilling the contents anywhere.  

                                     THOR (CONT'D)
                         Halt, witch.  No magic.

               Skurge is crawling towards where he left the axe.  Thor stomps 
               on Skurge's hand.

                                     THOR (CONT'D)
                         Thou art a coward and a fool, Skurge.  
                         The only way thou could best me is 
                         when I was drunk and my back was 
                         turned.  All will know thou wast 
                         afraid to fight me in fair combat.  
                         And thou did it all for the love of 
                         an unfaithful harlot.
                              (to Amora)
                         And as for thee, thou art a lovely 
                         face, tis true.  Without magic, I 
                         might even fall in love with thee... 
                         for one night.  No more.  After that, 
                         it would get tiresome.  Thou art not 
                         worthy of Thor.
                              (shakes head, to both 
                              of them)
                         You two deserve each other.  At least 
                         I'll have one trophy of the night.

               He reached for Skurge's axe, and, with time and proper 
               leverage, releases it from the wall.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         No, that axe was my father's.  How 
                         dare thee touch it.

                         Thy father could not bear to see 
                         thee born, and fled into the hills 
                         of Jotenheim.  Thou hath most likely 
                         stolen it.  Whoever's it was, it is 
                         mine now.  Punishment for thy 


               Blake has finished his story.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         What happened after that?



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I don't know.  Thor went back to the 
                         bar and got his hammer.  He later 
                         lost the axe in a game of chance, I 
                         think.  Skurge and Amora both swore 
                         revenge but were never really a threat 
                         to him.  That's all another story, 
                         though.  What did you think?

               There's an uncomfortable pause.

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         Don't quit your day job, buddy.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Not very good?

                                     LEE KIRBY
                         Well, maybe it's just me, but there 
                         was nobody really to root for.  
                         Everyone was a jerk, even this Thor 

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Yeah, I felt bad for Skurge more 
                         than him.

                                     DONALD BLAKE

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Well, Skurge was in love, at least.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         But Thor was attacked from behind, 
                         his weapon was taken from him, and 
                         still he prevailed.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         I guess.  But there's more to being 
                         a hero than winning against the odds.  
                         The call of heroism should be 
                         Excelsior!  That means 'always 
                         upward', in latin. That's what heroes 
                         should be, always looking for the 
                         best path.  Skurge and Adora...

                                     LEE KIRBY

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Amora.  You said he was a bully and 
                         she was an evil witch, but Thor didn't 
                         care until they bothered him 
                         personally, and then he just 
                         humiliated them and walked off,



                                     BETA-RAY BILL (CONT'D)
                         instead of doing something about 
                         them.  You see what I'm getting at?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I never thought of it like that 
                         before, but yeah.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Don't worry, not everyone can be a 
                         great storyteller.  Maybe you could 
                         go into sales.


               Jane Foster approaches the orderly desk, where Sully is 
               waiting, reading a magazine.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I'm here to see Donald Blake.

                         Visiting hours are over.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I know, it's just... I'm a nurse, I 
                         work here.  He's a dear friend of 
                         mine, could you please just make an 

                         What do I get out of it?

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         What do you want?

                         A date with you would help... 

               She smiles at him coquettishly.


                         Blake!  Visitor.

               He stands up as Jane's approaching.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         What are you doing here?  It's not 
                         visiting hours.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I wanted to see how you were doing.  
                         You look good.



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         You know, I don't think I've told 
                         you how much I appreciate you 
                         visiting, but you don't have to do 
                         it so much.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         It's nothing.  What are friends for?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Well, thank you.  It's important to 
                         me that I have a connection to the 
                         outside world.  In a place like 
                         this... it can be hard to lose track 
                         of things.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         How are you doing, with all this?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I don't know.  I'm not on any 
                         medication right now, Doctor Simonson  
                         wants to see if I can sort through 
                         everything on my own.  Sometimes I 
                         think I can, it should be easy, but... 
                         my head's full of all sorts of 
                         memories.  It's like some kind of 
                         storybook tale.   The Doctor is trying 
                         to help me see through them.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         That's good.  You'll just accept who 
                         you are?    

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Maybe.  Enough about me.  I feel so 
                         out of touch with everything here.  
                         Tell me what's going on with you?

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Oh, you know.  I've been working 
                         under Doctor Conway lately.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         He's good.  

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Yeah, and he doesn't let anybody 
                         forget it, either.  I miss working 
                         with you.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I miss working with you too.



                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Oh, and I'm dating a great guy.

               Blake looks down in some embarassment.

                                     DONALD BLAKE

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         He's lawyer and a lobbiest.  He 
                         represents a lot of corporate 
                         interests, trying to get environmental 
                         restrictions lifted.

                                     DONALD BLAKE

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Yeah, it's like he says, business is 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Wow.  I have to say, that doesn't 
                         sound like your type.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         There's something very appealing 
                         about a man who lies for a living.  
                         He's going to help me sue the hospital 
                         for discrimination, because I'm a 
                         woman.  I mean, it's totally baseless, 
                         but I could use the money, I don't 
                         want to change bedpans forever.  

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         What?  That  doesn't sound anything 
                         you.  You were always so... 

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Well, people change.  I mean, look 
                         at you, you used to be one of the 
                         most respected people I knew, now 
                         you're a common lunatic.
                              (off his look)
                         Oh, I'm sorry, was that rude?  I 
                         didn't mean it like that.  What I 
                         meant to say is that if any of your 
                         friends saw you talking about your 
                         strange other life, they'd wonder 
                         about you too... and for good reason.  

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                              (looks away)
                         Maybe you should go, Jane.



                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Maybe I should.  After all you have 
                         your... snack.  It's rather funny.  
                         Once you feasted on fresh-caught 
                         venison and the finest mead of Alfhiem 
                         flowed like water.  Now you eat cheese 
                         and bread and a tiny apple juice.  
                         How low the mighty have fallen.

                                     DONALD BLAKE

               He looks back.  Now, where Jane once sat, is LOKI.  He's 
               dressed in Jane's nurse's uniform.

                         It's not even fermented, for our 
                         father's sake.  That's a disgrace.

                                     DONALD BLAKE

                         Finally, dear brother.  You really 
                         have lost your touch.  You used to 
                         spot me in disguise much sooner than 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I'm going crazy.  I'm having a 
                         psychotic break.

                         No, brother, you're going sane.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         What are you doing here?

                         I'm here for you.  As you asked.  
                         Don't you remember?  The night father 
                         banished you to Earth, after he told 
                         you what was to come, you came to 
                         me.  You couldn't bear the thought 
                         of being a mere mortal, and you asked 
                         me to find you and restore your mind.  
                         We've had our differences over the 
                         years, but that request truly touched 
                         me.  That you, future Lord of Asgard, 
                         would come to me, the God of Mischief, 
                         in your hour of need.  I promised 
                         you that I would.  It took me some 
                         time to find where father had stashed 
                         you, but I did, and I restored to 
                         you your memories.  I've only returned 
                         because you've begun to doubt 



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No.  You're some kind of 
                         hallucination.  Maybe a dream.

                         It's only the tiresome mind of this 
                         Donald Blake that doubts me.  Let me 
                         put him to sleep again for a moment, 
                         so we can talk as brothers.

               Loki snaps his fingers.  Donald begins to grin and speak 
               much more confidently.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Loki!  My surprise doth know no bounds 
                         that thou hast kept thy word.  All 
                         thy past trespasses against me art 

                         Oh, it was nothing.  What are brothers 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         What hast happened to thy tongue?  
                         Thou speakest like... like the men 
                         of Midgaard do today.

                         Well, of course.  It doesn't take 
                         much to shake off a faeriespell, and 
                         I've had to spend some time on this 
                         world looking for you.  I quite like 
                         it, actually.  I've been away so 
                         long.  There are so many new ways to 
                         trick people, with the television 
                         and this internet thing. I only 
                         intended to come to do what I needed 
                         to do, but I think I'm going to stay 
                         a while and see what's changed.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I warn thee, Loki, Odin will be 
                         displeased with thee if thou makest 
                         sport on the mortals again.

                         Where's your gratitude, Thor?  No 
                         sooner have I arrived to try and 
                         help you do you assume I will do 
                         someone harm.  I've changed some in 
                         the years since we've spoken.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I cry thy pardon, Loki.  Indeed I 
                         should be thanking thee.  How is 
                         everybody back home?



                         They are as they always are.  But 
                         I'm afraid I must be the bearer of 
                         grim tidings.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         What is it?

                         I am not the only one who has found 
                         you.  Someone has alerted your 
                         enemies.  They seem to feel that 
                         since Odin hid you here, the law 
                         about staying out of the affairs of 
                         Midgaard is no longer valid.  Even 
                         now they are crossing the Rainbow 
                         Bridge on their way to face you.  I 
                         suspect you have less than three 
                         days before they arrive.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Can you restore to me my true form?

                         Even my magics cannot do that, 
                         brother, only Odin can.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Then bring me Mjolnir!  He said if I 
                         needed to use it in his name, I could 
                         be restored, and I know where it is.  
                         It lies in the natural history museum. 

                         Nothing would please me more.  
                         However, there is another enchantment 
                         I cannot defeat.  'Only one who is 
                         worthy can lift the mighty Mjolnir'.  
                         We know in father's eyes, I've never 
                         been worthy enough to touch it, much 
                         less carry it to you.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         At least break me out of here, so I 
                         can get it myself!

                         I wish I could, but like I said, I 
                         have changed my ways.  Sincerely, 
                         brother.  I only came this far because 
                         I promised you I would not let you 
                         remain living a lie.  But beyond 
                         that I will break no law, neither 
                         Odin's nor Midgaard's.



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Then what good is thy warning, if I 
                         can't do anything about it?

                         Yes.  I suppose when you look at it 
                         that way, it does seem a cruel jest... 
                         to restore your mind but not your 
                         body, to warn you of impending doom 
                         but leave you impotent to do anything 
                         about it, so that the mighty Thor 
                         might finally know fear before he 
                         dies.  It would have been one of my 
                         best tricks... were it a trick at 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Treacherous swine.  Thou hast done 
                         this on purpose.  Thou has told my 
                         enemies where I was.

                         Same old Thor.  Always blaming me 
                         for your problems.  When I return to 
                         Asgard, I'll give your regards to 
                         Balder, and the Warriors Three, and 
                         of course, your love to Sif.

               Loki gets up and starts to leave.   

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                              (raised voice)
                         I will have my vengeance upon thee, 

               Blake gets up to follow Loki, who is speaking to one of the 
               doctors.  When Blake steps forward, though, it is with the 
               confidence of Thor, and he's forgotten that he's in the body 
               of Blake.  He's not using his cane, and so his body falls 
               out from under him.

                                     DONALD BLAKE (CONT'D)
                         LOKI!  LOKI!

               It now appears that Jane Foster is talking to the orderly.  
               She appears to be crying and very distraught.  Orderlies 
               come to Thor's side.

                                                                    CUT TO:

               INT. SIMONSON'S OFFICE -- DAY

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         So, I've heard we had a little setback 
                         the the other day.  Do you want to 
                         talk about it?



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I saw my brother yesterday.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         I wasn't aware you had any family.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No, I mean I saw Loki.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         I see.
                              (makes note)
                         I think it may have been a mistake 
                         to leave you off medication entirely.  
                         I'd like to prescribe something.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Wait.  Could we at least talk about 
                         this a little?  Explore this?

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         What do you want to explore?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         The possibility that I might not be 

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Donald, you're suffering from 
                         hallucinations about mythological 
                         characters.  I don't like to use the 
                         word crazy, but you do need help.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         But it feels so real.  The memories... 
                         and when Loki reversed Odin's spell, 
                         I actually felt like Thor.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Hallucinations often feel very real, 
                         Donald.  That's why they're so 
                         dangerous.  But look at this 
                         logically.  You're a man, and you 
                         make decisions every day that affect 
                         who lives and who dies.  No matter 
                         how accomplished you are in your 
                         field, you don't feel qualified to 
                         make those decisions.  You've got no 
                         strong ties to anybody, no family.  
                         All your life you've had to deal 
                         with not being physically strong, 
                         because of your leg.  Now suddenly, 
                         these delusions come, where you're 
                         stronger than any man.  You're not 
                         just a man, you're a god, with the 
                         responsibility to use your powers.



                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON (CONT'D)
                         You've got a vast extended family 
                         who cares about you.  We've been 
                         over this.  It's classic wish 
                         fulfillment.  It feels real because 
                         it's everything you wish for yourself.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         What if it's not?   Loki said...

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Loki proves my point completely.  On 
                         some level, you know all of this is 
                         wrong.  You know it can't be true.  
                         But when you're starting to pull 
                         yourself out of it, the part of you 
                         that wants to believe comes up with 
                         a visit from Loki, to give you an 
                         excuse to retreat back into it.  But 
                         the real Donald Blake gave you a 
                         clue, there, too.  It's in all the 
                         mythologies.  Loki is the God of 
                         Lies, the God of Mischief, a trickster 
                         God.  He cannot be trusted.  Even 
                         within the bounds of your delusion, 
                         you must understand that.  He always 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Doctor, if Loki always lied, he could 
                         never be a God of Mischief.   Loki's 
                         strength is that he lies judiciously, 
                         he lies well, and that he knows you 
                         can be often more mischievous with 
                         the truth.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         And what is it you're telling me?  
                         You really believe this?  That you're 
                         secretly some God of Thunder?  What 
                         changed from the man who told me 
                         that he knows it doesn't make sense.  
                         That was a man who wanted to get 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         When I saw Loki, he unlocked the 
                         rest of my memories.  I remember 
                         now.  I know why I was sent to Earth.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Why's that?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         To be taught a lesson.



               EXT. ASGARD -- DAY

               Out in the wilderness of Asgard, near a hilly plain.  We are 
               in a closeup on an arrow being cocking in a bow.  It is then 
               let loose.

               We then pull back to see an arrow thunk into the ground near 
               a magnificent stag.  The stag's head shoots up, looking for 
               the sudden sound, but it doesn't see anyone near it.  We 
               pull back furthur to see Balder has fired the arrow, and 
               that he is farther than any arrow should go.  Thor is with 
               him, looking out in the direction of fire.  Loki sits on a 
               rock, bored.  

                         Close, but a miss.

                         Take a turn?

                         Nay.  I am out of arrows.

                         Finally.  Can I use my magic to summon 
                         the steed now?

               Balder and Thor exchange a disdainful look.

                         That's my brother, always seeking 
                         the easier path.  He knoweth nothing 
                         of Asgardian valor.  The meat will 
                         be all the more delicious for that 
                         it was won fairly.

                         It's hardly fair if the beast can't 
                         fight back.

                         Hunting is a test of one's skill 
                         against that of nature Herself.

                         I would describe magic the same way.

                         Ah, but hunting brings men together.  
                         Thou could use thy magic to bring a 
                         stag anywhere, but Odin set us the 
                         task of fetching one.  Just enjoy, 
                         brother, seize the moment.

                         We are immortal, brother.



                                     LOKI (CONT'D)
                         There will always be more moments.  
                         And in truth, thy company is best in 
                         smaller quantities. 

                         In truth I feel the same way.  But 
                         Odin wished us to go out together, 
                         so let's make the most of it and 
                         enjoy it.  We are family, after all.

                         Odin wished, Odin wished.  Thy 
                         favorite phrase.  That is the 
                         difference between us, Thor.  Thou 
                         still worships at father's feet.  
                         Me, I have my own family now.  Thou 
                         art still a boy.

                         A boy?  I'm more a man than thou 
                         wilt ever be.  It is I who has been 
                         entrusted with the Thunder.  If thou 
                         thinkest you're more a man than I, 
                         then challenge me to combat.


                         Nay, Balder, let us have this out.

                         Thou art a muscle-bound oaf.  Violence 
                         is thy solution to everything.

                         And right now it seems to be a very 
                         good solution.


                         Thou wouldst best me in hammer 
                         throwing, but know nothing of 
                         cleverness, craft, or anything that 
                         requires subtlety.

                         You have been having the same 
                         arguments since childhood.  Now stop 
                         your bickering, and look.

               He points.  Off in the distance, we can see a FROST GIANT.  
               The creature is huge, some 60 feet tall.



                         A frost giant?  Here, in Asgard?

                         Indeed.  And a large one.  

                         Well, at least it's more interesting 
                         than stag hunting.

                         How dare they break the treaty so 

                         As the sages say, treaties were made 
                         to be broken.  It would have happened 
                         sooner or later.  What art thou going 
                         to do?

                         Surely thou dost mean, "What are we 
                         going to do?"

                         I care not.  I have no quarrel with 
                         the Frost Giants.  They are in my 
                         blood, if you haven't forgotten.  
                         But by all means, watching you two 
                         fight will provide me with much 

                         Come, we must tell Odin.  Let Father 
                         decide what must be done.

                              (subtly mocking)
                         Yes, yes, Let Odin decide.  As he 
                         wishes, so shall it be.

                         Nay.  Thou art right.  The giant 
                         broke Odin's law.  We can handle 
                         this on our own.

                         He looks to be on his back way to 
                         Jotenheim as it is.  By the time we 
                         catch up to him, he'll have crossed.

                         I can reach it, if I take to the 



                                     THOR (CONT'D)
                         Watch me teach him a lesson he shall 
                         not soon forget.

               EXT. ASGARD -- STORMY DAY

               A combat set piece, with Thor fighting against the Frost 
               Giant.  It could either be traditional CGI, or extremely 
               stylized (perhaps in silhouette), but Thor flies and strikes 
               the giant with his hammer.  Lightning strikes as he does.

                                     DONALD BLAKE (V.O.)
                         Even to an Asgardian God, a Frost 
                         giant is a formidable opponent.  The 
                         fight lasted several hours, and I 
                         chased him back into Jotenheim before 
                         I struck him down.  I returned home, 
                         proud of my accomplishment.  Father 
                         was... not so proud.

               INT. ASGARD - ODIN'S HALL - NIGHT

               Odin launches off his throne, angered.

                         Dost thou realize what thou hast 

                         I defeated a giant.  One of our 
                         enemies.  It was hardly even a 

                         Thou didst cross over into Jotenheim.

                         He crossed over first.

                         That means nothing!  Once he left 
                         our lands, he was for the giants to 

                         I saved them the trouble.  What of 

                         Because now thou hast broken the 
                         treaty.  Unless I punish thee, it 
                         will mean war.

                         If war is the response, so be it.



                                     THOR (CONT'D)
                         We will defeat them.  In fact, I 
                         welcome war.  Defeating that giant 
                         was great fun.

                         Fun?  Will it be fun when families 
                         are driven from their homes?  Will 
                         it be fun when people starve because 
                         the giants eat their crops on the 
                         way to battle?  Will it be fun when 
                         mortal mothers weep for their sons, 
                         when war comes to all the Nine Worlds?

                         War must come some day, father.  It 
                         is fated.  Ragnarok cannot be 
                         prevented, only delayed.

                         Indeed.  And as a ruler I must delay 
                         it as long as possible, and to do 
                         that I must punish thee.

                         Please, father.  I am thy son, the 
                         God of Thunder.  We both know, thou 
                         wouldst not punish me.

                         Will I not?  Thou assumest much, my 
                         son.  Thou will go to Jotunheim and 
                         beg for forgiveness.  If, and only 
                         if, the King forgives thee, I will 
                         withold punishment.

                         I say thee nay, father.  They were 
                         in the wrong. I will not lower myself 
                         to grovelling.  It is dishonorable.

                         Tread carefully, Thor.  I ask thee 
                         to humble yourself, for the good of 

                         The good of Asgard?  I am the good 
                         of Asgard.  I am the greatest warrior, 
                         I defend the realm from threats.  I 
                         do not humble myself, appear weak in 
                         front of our enemies.  Send me to 
                         Jotunheim and I will go only to laugh 
                         in the face of the King. I am a 
                         warrior and a God, and I am above 
                         such things.



                         Silence.  They call me the All-Seeing, 
                         and yet I still have the blindness 
                         of any father towards his son.  Thou 
                         art arrogant, Thor.  Thou art right, 
                         there will be no apology.  I have 
                         decided I will punish thee myself.

                         Very well then, send me to my room 
                         without a meal.  Nothing thou would 
                         do to me would be worse than humbling 

                         For the crime of treaty-breaking, I, 
                         Odin, Lord of Asgard, do hereby 
                         sentence thee to exile.  Thou shalt 
                         be expelled from Asgard and stripped 
                         of all of thy titles.  Thou art no 
                         longer Thor, god of Thunder.

                         No.  Thou canst not.

                         It is done.  By next sunrise, thee 
                         will be sent from Asgard, and not be 
                         welcome back until thou hast learned 
                         thy lesson.  Thou shalt live as a 

                         What worth would I possibly have as 
                         a mortal?  Don't do this.  Thou art 
                         my father.  

                         Indeed, and that is why I must do 
                         this.  It is for thy own good.  Thou 
                         must learn humility if thou art to 
                         one day take my throne.

                         But father, I have enemies.  If I am 
                         weakened so, there may soon be no 
                         one left to take thy throne...

                         I will send thee somewhere thy enemies 
                         will not reach thee.  Midgaard.  
                         There, thou will live bound in a 
                         mortal body, a mortal life, unaware 
                         of thy heritage, or even thy name.



                         Thou wouldst take my home, my title, 
                         and now my very name?  I suppose my 
                         hammer, next.  Thou sworest thee 
                         never would, but I suppose the word 
                         of Odin counts for nothing.   

                         No, I will send the hammer to Midgaard 
                         as well.  When thou hast learned thy 
                         lesson and found where I have hidden  
                         it, striking Mjolnir on the ground 
                         in my name will restore thee.

                         Father, I beg thee, reconsider.

                         Go, now, Thor.  The spells I must 
                         craft are complicated.  I will call 
                         for thee when I am ready.  I hope 
                         for thy sake thou wilt not defy me 

               INT. SIMONSON'S OFFICE -- DAY

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         And did you?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I didn't run, but... I asked Loki to 
                         find me and restore my memory.  That's 
                         what he did.  That's why I'm here, 
                         why I can remember being Thor.  It 
                         explains everything.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Of course it does.  You're here 
                         because of a set of delusions, and 
                         delusions are tricky things.  A smart 
                         person can invent all sorts of ways 
                         to integrate their delusions with 
                         reality, to explain away why they're 
                         not really delusions, in order to 
                         keep believing in them.  But let's 
                         say everything you say was real.  
                         Shouldn't you be trying to abide 
                         Odin's wishes and live as a mortal 
                         until you've learned your lesson?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         This isn't about me anymore.  If I'm 
                         right, the trolls are coming.  They 
                         will tear apart this world looking 
                         for me, and if I am not able to face 
                         them, many will die.  I have to get 
                         out of here.



                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         I'm afraid I can't allow that.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         You can't keep me in here, I have 

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         You're a doctor, you know the rules.  
                         If I have reason to believe you're 
                         going to be a threat to yourself or 
                         others, I can keep you here pending 
                         a hearing.  Based on your recent 
                         behavior, I don't think I have a 
                         choice.  Now, I'd like to prescribe...

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I'm not taking any drugs.  I know my 
                         rights, you can't force them on me 
                         without a court order.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         And that's exactly the kind of 
                         attitude that a court's going to 
                         look poorly on.  If you want to get 
                         out of here, medication is the safest 
                         way.  There's nothing shameful about 
                         mental illness, but not trying to 
                         get better is irrational.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I honestly don't know whether I'm 
                         crazy or not right now.  But if all 
                         of this is delusion, I'll know soon 
                         enough.  If it isn't we'll both 
                         know... and we're all going to be in 
                         great danger.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Donald, if trolls come rampaging 
                         down the streets of New York, I can 
                         assure you, I'll let you go.  Until 
                         then, I highly recommend medication.


               Blake stares out a window, where a raven is walking along 
               the wall in the distance.  Beta-Ray Bill sits down near him.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Planning a jailbreak?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No.  Well, maybe.  Mostly, I'm just 



                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         What about?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         What's real.  What's not.  How do 
                         you tell the difference?

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Oh, so the easy stuff.  There was a 
                         writer once who said, "Reality is 
                         that which, when you stop believing 
                         in it, doesn't go away."

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Thanks, but it doesn't help here.  
                         Sometimes I think I must be crazy.  
                         Sometimes I know I'm not.  Both times 
                         I'm completely sure, and there's 
                         nothing that proves it one way or 
                         the other.  

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Sometimes you just have to trust 
                         yourself.   What do you believe to 
                         be true now?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I don't know.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         What do you want to be true, then?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I don't know.  I don't want to be 
                         crazy.  The only problem is, if I'm 
                         not crazy, and I don't get out of 
                         here... a lot of people are going to 
                         be hurt.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Well, then no offense, but I hope 
                         you're crazy.  Besides, I like you. 
                         Your stories stink, but you can work 
                         on that.  And it doesn't hurt that 
                         the cute nurse holding a torch for 
                         you keeps coming by.  Do you think 
                         she's going to visit you again today?

                                     DONALD BLAKE

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         I said, do you think your girlfriend's 
                         going to visit you today?



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I told you, she's just a friend.  We 
                         work... worked, together.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Well, next time your friend shows 
                         up, tell her she looks much better 
                         than the guy dressed up like her.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Okay Bill.
                         Wait, what?

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         She looks better then the man.  The 
                         last time she was with you, she was 
                         a man.  It was an imposter.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         You saw him... you actally saw him?

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Well, of course.  They call me mad, 
                         because I can see things how they 
                         truly are, and they don't like it.
                         It's the CIA.  They've got image 
                         induction technology.  But it all 
                         works on Beta Rays.  I thought they 
                         were here for me at first, but there 
                         must be something very interesting 
                         about you.  

               Bill taps his hat and grins.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Bill.  This is important.  What did 
                         he look like?

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Tall fellow.  Taller than me.  Black 
                         hair.  Great big smirk on his face 
                         cause he thought he'd pulled one 
                         over on everybody.  But not old Bill, 
                         you can't fool him.  I stopped 
                         believing in him and he didn't go 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         This is incredible.  This means I'm 
                         not crazy.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL
                         Good for you son.  I guess that makes 
                         two of us!



                                     BETA-RAY BILL (CONT'D)
                         Between you and me, most of the people 
                         in here are nuts.  Well, now you 
                         have your answer.  Face front, true 
                         believer.  Say, you were kidding 
                         about the danger, right?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I'm afraid not.  My enemies are coming 
                         for me.  And I need to get out of 
                         her and find Mjolnir before they 


               Blake sits, waiting.  A TV is on in the background, showing 
               a morning news show.  Doctor Simonson enters with Jane Foster, 
               and heads towards Blake.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Hello, Donald.

               Blake looks over to Bill, who gives him a covert thumbs up.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Hello, Jane.  I'm sorry to bring you 
                         down here.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         It's no trouble.  Anything to help.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Yes, well, perhaps this will settle 
                         this, help convince you to try 

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         You should do what the doctor says.  
                         I know they say doctors make the 
                         worst patients, but... you know the 
                         value of medication.  You know how 
                         foolish it can be to refuse it.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I don't think I'm crazy.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Not crazy... just in need of a little 

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Now, Donald seems to think that he 
                         can prove his case, because of 
                         something that happened.  Apparently 
                         he believes someone impersonated you 
                         when you visited last.



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         It's not just me, Bill agrees.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Bill has paranoid schizophrenia and 
                         is a little susceptible to the 
                         delusions of others.  But go ahead, 
                         ask your question.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Do you remember visiting me here, 
                         two days ago.  After visiting hours.

                                     JANE FOSTER

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Wait... what?

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I visited you.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         What did we talk about?

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I can't remember exactly.  I told 
                         you I was hoping you were doing 
                         better, filled you in on the latest 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         No, no... he must have got to you.

                                     JANE FOSTER

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Loki.  Do you remember a man, dark 
                         hair... no, of course you wouldn't, 
                         he wouldn't let you.  He gave you 
                         false memories.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Donald, don't you see, you're 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Check your duty schedule for two 
                         days ago.  He had to have come at a 
                         time he knew you wouldn't.  If you 
                         were at work, he might have forgotten 
                         to alter the records.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Listen to yourself.



                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON (CONT'D)
                         Inventing fantasy after fantasy.  
                         You're so sure you're right, you 
                         won't listen to anything else that 
                         contradicts you.  Every single time, 
                         you just invent something new that 
                         explains it.  It'll never stop, until 
                         you stop, and accept that you need 

               Jane puts her hand to Blake's face.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Please, Donald.  Take the medication.  
                         At least see if it makes things 

               Blake turns away, towards the direction of the TV.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I don't feel wrong.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Of course not.  But isn't it a little 
                         arrogant of you to think that you 
                         must be right when every piece of 
                         evidence shown to you proves 
                         otherwise?  It's medication, it's 
                         not a death sentence.  The worst 
                         that can happen is that it doesn't 

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Donald, listen to Doctor Simonson.  
                         I want you to get better.  Just try 
                         it.  It's hard seeing you like this.

               Blake is defeated and confused again.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Okay.  Okay, I'll try the medication.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Excellent.  I've got your first dose 
                         right here.

               Donald's attention, and ours, is drawn to the television.

                         Stark Enterprises would not comment.  
                         Now it's time for our senior 
                         meteorologist, Larry Lieman, to show 
                         you the forecast for today.

               On the screen, Loki appears, dressed as a newscaster.



                                     DONALD BLAKE

                         Well, it's going to be a beautiful 
                         day, today and tomorrow, but the 
                         real big news is that there's an 
                         astoundingly rare meteorological 
                         event, and it's going to be happening 
                         in a few minutes.  Those showers we 
                         just had are going to clear right 
                         up, and we're going to see a rainbow 
                         actually touch the ground, right in 
                         the city.

                         Wow, sounds incredible.  Is there 
                         going to be a pot of gold?

                         I don't know about that, but it's 
                         certainly going to be an incredible 
                         sight.  I think we have a camera on 
                         the scene right now.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Oh no...

                                     JANE FOSTER

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         It's happening.  It's happening now.

               On the screen, we see a rainbow cutting through the clouds 
               and touching down on the ground.

                                     NEWSCASTER (V.O.)
                         That's incredible.

                                     LOKI (V.O.)
                         Keep watching, the best part is yet 
                         to come.

               Suddenly, trolls spill out of the gateway, causing havok 
               immediately, picking up things and throwing them around.  We 
               see Ulik enter.

                         Find him.

               Everybody in the room is now watching the screen as the 
               screams of the pedestrians and the confused reporting of the 
               newscaster continue.



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         You see that, don't you?  I'm not 
                         imagining it?

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         That can't be real.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         It's real.  Doctor?

               The doctor seems catatonic.

                                     DONALD BLAKE (CONT'D)
                         You promised me you'd let me go.

               The doctor seems catatonic, but gets his keys out of his 
               pocket and raises them up.  Donald Blake grabs them, and 
               starts towards the exit.

               EXT. BELLEVUE HOSPITAL -- DAY

               Donald has made it to the exit and Jane is following him.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         How did you know what was going to 
                         happen, Donald?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Listen, Jane, you should get out of 

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         No way, someone's got to keep you 
                         out of trouble.  Besides, it's not 
                         like you can outrun me.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Well, maybe you would be better off 
                         coming with me, or at least away 
                         from here.  But if I tell you to 
                         run, you run, okay?  No questions 

                                     JANE FOSTER

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         We'll never make it in time on foot.

               He steps out into the street, and attempts to hail a cab.  
               One drives right by them.  Then another.

                                     DONALD BLAKE (CONT'D)
                         They must think I'm an escaped patient 
                         or something.



                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Technically speaking, you are.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         You try.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                              (seeing something)
                         Wait, you've got the doctor's keys, 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Yeah, but I don't know what he drives.

               Jane points to where there's a motorcycle.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         He was telling me about it earlier.

               INT. NEW YORK - CITY STREETS -- DAY

               Donald and Jane ride on the motorcycle.  They're talking 
               during the ride, shouting over the roar of the engines.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Where are we going?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Back to the museum.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Back where all this started?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         It started long before that.

               As they ride, the streets get more chaotic, and soon they 
               reach a point where there are car accidents and lots of people 
               running in one direction.  Using the motorcycle, they are 
               able to maneuver around it, and they hear a crash.  The see 
               a SEARCHING TROLL, who has just toppled a car, and is holding 
               a pedestrian.

                                     SEARCHING TROLL
                         Tell me, mortal.  Where is this 

               A police officer nearby raises his gun and shoots at the 
               troll.  He turns, drops the man he was holding, and turns on 
               the cop.  The cop continues shooting as the troll stalks 
               towards him.  Jane realizes the bullets aren't doing anything.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         It's going to kill him. 



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         You have a gold necklace, right?  
                         Give it here.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         It's only gold plated.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Good enough.  Give it to me.

               She's already in the process of removing it, and hands it 
               over.  Meanwhile, the troll is getting close to the cop.

                                     SEARCHING TROLL
                         Thou wouldst dare throw stones at 
                         me?  I'll tear thee limb from limb.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         It might be better if you leave now.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         No way.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         You said you'd go when I said.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I lied.   

               Seeing the cop about to get pummelled, Blake honks the horn 
               on the motorcycle, and holds up the necklace.  It gets the 
               attention of the troll just before he reaches the now 
               terrified cop.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Troll! I have gold for you!

                                     SEARCHING TROLL
                              (peers at it)
                         A pittance.  Ulik has promised me 
                         all the gold I can carry if I find 
                         what he seeks.  Dost thou know this 
                         Bellevue?  Tell me, or I shall slay 
                         everyone here.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I know Thor's no longer at Bellevue.

                                     SEARCHING TROLL
                         Then where is he?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         You'll have to catch me to find out.



               He starts the motorcycle again and drives off down the street.  
               The troll runs, trying to catch up, and managing to keep 
               pace.  Blake turns into Central Park, honking.

                                     DONALD BLAKE (CONT'D)
                         Out of the way, monster coming 

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         What are you doing?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Ever hear the tale of the Three Billy 
                         Goats Gruff?

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Something about a bridge?  The big 
                         goat kills the troll at the end.  

               Blake keeps getting chased, and drives to...


               Blake has driven up to the side of the reservoir, and stopped.  
               The troll is coming right at them.  Because Blake has been 
               keeping the troll running in a straight line for the last 
               stretch, he's moving pretty fast.  Blake waits until the 
               last possible moment, and then drives away to the side.  The 
               troll can't stop in time, and goes through the barrier and 
               into the water of the reservoir.  Blake stops in time to see 
               his plan go through.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I don't remember the story ending 
                         like that.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Well, no, but the moral's the same.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         The moral?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Trolls are stupid.  And most can't  
                         swim.  Come on, the museum's not far 
                         from here.

               EXT. MUSEUM -- DAY

               Establishing shot of the American Museum of Natural History, 
               shows Jane and Donald parking.  Donald makes his way to the 

               INT. MUSEUM - NORSE WING -- DAY

               Donald moves as quickly as he can, considering his cane, 
               into the Norse exhibit.  Jane follows behind.



               There are strange thumps.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I think it's this way.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         This is crazy, Donald.  I don't know 
                         how you knew they were coming, but, 
                         those things... they can't be trolls.  
                         They've got to be... I don't know, 
                         gamma ray mutants or aliens or 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Well, they are aliens, in a way.  
                         Asgard's another dimension.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         But I know you.  You can't really be 
                         Thor.  How could you be?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Well, there's a good explanation for 
                         that too.  It's magic.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I don't believe in magic.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         You will.  Come on. 

               There is a loud crash from another room.  A terrified voice 
               comes from within.   

                                     SNOOTY CURATOR (O.S.)
                         Oh, dear god...

               Blake and Foster rush towards the noise, and enter...

               INT. MUSEUM - MJOLNIR'S ROOM -- DAY

               Blake and Jane stand at the threshold of the room, surprised 
               at what they see...

               A section of the museum's outer wall has been cut out, with 
               an impossible cleanness, the remains on the ground.  Stepping 
               onto the  rubble is Skurge the Executioner, looking much as 
               he did in Blake's story, except his weapon is much more 
               fearsome.  He holds someone with his free hand, a terrified 

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         Now, where is the hammer of Thor?

               The man in his hand raises one arm to point at a glass display 
               case, where there is a hammer looking much, although not 
               exactly, like Thor's hammer in the stories.



               He tosses the man to the side carelessly.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER (CONT'D)
                         Then thou may live, as promised.  
                         Beware of the trolls, they may not 
                         be so kind.

               Skurge takes a few steps towards the display case.  It is at 
               this point Blake is inspired to call out.

                                     DONALD BLAKE

               The use of his name startles him momentarily.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         Who calls my name?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         The hammer belongs to Thor, not to 
                         Jane, go, get out of here.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I'm not leaving you alone.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I'll handle Skurge.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         What if you're not Thor, Donald?  I 
                         know you think that if you just reach 
                         that hammer, you'll transform, but... 
                         what if you're wrong?

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         So, it is true.

               He looks appraisingly at Donald Blake.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER (CONT'D)
                         Odin trapped thee in the form of a 
                         mortal... and a crippled one at that.  
                         See, the trolls are rampaging through 
                         the city looking for the hospital  
                         where Thor was supposed to rest, but 
                         I knew that the smarter move would 
                         be to look for thy hammer.  We are 
                         men of action, thou and I.  Our 
                         weapons are part of us.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I see you have a new one.



                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         It is made from Uru metal, same as 
                         thy hammer, but of course the 
                         enchantments are different.  I had 
                         it forged expecting a contest, but 
                         it'll be sufficient for the honor of 
                         executing the mighty Thor's poor, 
                         crippled, mortal body.  Any last 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Just that Amora would be proud.

               Skurge's expression darkens.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         Speak not that name.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         But wouldn't she?  Brave Skurge, 
                         finally proving his worth to his 
                         lady fair, by defeating a helpless 
                         mortal.  A task so daunting he needed 
                         his magic axe to complete the job.  
                         Oh, they'll tell tales of you in 
                         Asgard for that.  Some men slay 
                         dragons for their loves, or fight 
                         giants in their name, but there are 
                         none as brave as Skurge the 
                         Executioner, who felt no deed would 
                         prove the outermost limits of his 
                         ability than the death of a weak 
                         mortal man with a cane.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         With death so close, thou wouldst 
                         dare mock me, now?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I know you.  I've known you for 
                         centuries.  I know that you are a 
                         coward and a bully... but I also 
                         know that deep within you there is a 
                         spark of nobility, the same part of 
                         you that loves Amora.  A fighting 
                         chance, Skurge, that's all I'm asking 

               Skurge takes only a moment to consider.  He puts his axe 
               onto a holding strap on his back.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         Very well.  A fighting chance.  While 
                         thou art unarmed, I'll kill thee 
                         with my bare hands.



                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER (CONT'D)
                         If thou canst reach your hammer, 
                         we'll fight like Asgardians.

               The fight begins.  Skurge waits for Blake to come at him or 
               attempt to get past him, and then springs into motion, cutting 
               off the attempt.  It's not a fight, really, because Skurge 
               is barely trying.  He's toying with Blake, not going for the 
               kill, but instead trying to humiliate him, because Skurge is 
               in large parts a bully.

               However, his attention is focused on Blake, and at one point 
               in the fight, Jane sneaks into the room.  She takes one of 
               the metal stands holding a velvet curtain, and uses it to 
               smash the display case with the hammer inside.  Alarms sound.  
               Skurge looks back as Jane reaches for it.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER (CONT'D)
                         The girl think she is worthy of 
                         weilding the hammer of Thor?

               Jane doesn't answer.  She just grabs the hammer and, with 
               both hands, manages to lift it, though it's heavy.

                                     SNOOTY CURATOR
                         That's a priceless historical 

               Jane throws it towards Donald Blake...  He's close enough 
               that, despite the heaviness of the hammer, it lands within 
               arm's reach.  We focus tight on his hand as Donald grabs it, 
               manages to lift it.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         In Odin's name, I call upon the power 
                         of Thor.

               He slams the hammer on the ground... and nothing happens.  
               He stares at it, astonished, crushed.  Skurge laughs 
               uproariously and draws his axe.  With one blow, he slices 
               the hammer in two.  The snooty curator winces comically.  

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         There is no hope, Odinsson.  Thy 
                         father hath abandoned you.  The most 
                         merciful thing I could do is to cleave 
                         the head from thy neck, and spare 
                         thee the life of a mortal.
                         But if thou wishes, say for all the 
                         nine worlds that Skurge is thy better, 
                         and I shall let thee live.  

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I'm clearly no match for you.



                                     DONALD BLAKE (CONT'D)
                         I'll say anything you wish, tell 
                         anyone you defeated Thor, but please, 
                         stop the trolls from tearing up the 

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         Thou hath surprised me.  Art thou 
                         certain thou art Thor?  The Thor I 
                         knew would die before begging my 
                         help, before showing such weakness 
                         to an enemy.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Humility isn't always a weakness.  
                         That's part of what my father sent 
                         me here to learn.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         A poor lesson for a father to teach.  
                         He's abandoned thee.  I pity thee, 
                         mortal.  Take thy humility, thy woman, 
                         and thy cane, and leave my sight. 

               Blake looks to his cane beside him and picks it up.  Holding 
               it in his hand, voices come up from his memories.

                                     ODIN (V.O.)
                         When you have learned thy lesson and 
                         found where I have hidden it, striking 
                         Mjolnir on the ground in my name 
                         will restore thee.

                                     BETA-RAY BILL (V.O.)
                         Nice cane.  It made of some kind of 

                                     ODIN (V.O.)
                         Mjolnir is thine, and so long as 
                         thou canst weild it, not even I shall 
                         take it from thee.  

                                     BETA-RAY BILL (V.O.)
                         They call me mad, but I can see things 
                         as they really are.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         He never took it from me.  It was 
                         with me all along.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Donald, let's just get out of here 
                         before he changes his mind.

               Donald shakes his head.



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Not Donald.  In Odin's name...

               Donald slams the cane on the ground as he speaks.  In a flurry 
               of effects reminiscent of lightning and storm, Donald Blake 

                         I am Thor, God of Thunder.

               Skurge is shocked, but not scared.  His face is grim, and he 
               readies his weapon.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         So it's to be a fair fight after 
                         all, is it?

                         We don't have to do this, Skurge.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         Yes we do.  Skurge the Executioner 
                         is no coward.

                         No, I suppose not.  Jane Foster.  
                         Thou hast helped me more than words 
                         can say.  Now, find someplace safe 
                         while I do what must be done.  Take 
                         him with thee.

               Thor motions to the curator, who is stunned by what just 
               happened more than anything else.  Jane quickly moves to 
               pull him out of the room.  Skurge and Thor charge each other, 
               Skurge's axe clanging against Thor's hammer with a crash of 
               thunder.  We follow Jane and the curator out of the room to

               INT. MUSEUM - NORSE WING -- DAY

               We can still hear the sounds of battle as Jane drags the 
               caretaker through the museum.  Finally, he's had enough and 
               stops, demanding an explanation.

                                     SNOOTY CURATOR
                         What in the blazes is going on?  

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I don't have a lot of time to try 
                         and convince you.  Trolls have invaded 
                         the city.  You need to find somewhere 
                         safe until the crisis is over.

                                     SNOOTY CURATOR
                         But... that can't actually be Thor.  
                         It doesn't make any sense.



                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but 
                         after what we've just seen, I'm about 
                         ready to believe anything.  It's 
                         magic.  That's what it is.  

                                     SNOOTY CURATOR
                         No, but... the mythological Thor has 
                         red hair, not blonde.

               Jane gives him a look, stunned that that is where his 
               suspension of disbelief is breaking.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I guess he dyes it.

               The curator seems content with that.

                                     JANE FOSTER (CONT'D)
                         Now, do you know some place safe?

                                     SNOOTY CURATOR
                         The basement used to be a bomb 

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Good.  Gather everyone you can in 
                         the museum and get them down there.

                                     SNOOTY CURATOR
                         What about you?

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I'm a nurse.  I have to take care of 
                         the wounded.  I have a feeling there's 
                         going to be a lot of them.

               INT. MUSEUM - MJOLNIR'S ROOM -- DAY

               Thor and Skurge are still fighting.  Thor is clearly the 
               superior fighter, but Skurge is good too.  The room is taking 
               a lot of collateral damage, mostly because whenever Skruge's 
               axe swings through something, be it a curtain or a pillar, 
               it cuts clean through.  Only Thor's hammer is immune to the 
               effect.  Thor does get the upper hand, knocking Skurge to 
               the ground.  Skurge lets go of the axe.


               Skurge is resistant, so Thor steps on his neck and raises 
               his hammer.

                                     THOR (CONT'D)
                         Yield, Skurge.



                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         I yield.

                         Swear to return to Asgard, and harm 
                         no mortal on the way.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         I swear it.

               Thor lets up and picks up the axe.  Skurge begins to stand.  

                         By right of battle, this belongs to 

               Thor raises the weapon, then reverses it, offering it to 

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         I need not thy pity.

                         No pity.  Thou hast fought well with 
                         it, and I already have a weapon that 
                         suits me.  This is thine.

               Skurge takes the weapon hestitantly, suspecting a trick. 

                                     THOR (CONT'D)
                         Thy vow is to return without harming 
                         mortals.  It does not apply to trolls 
                         thou mayest encounter along the way.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         But that would help thee, and why 
                         should I wish that, Thor?

                         Which story wouldst thou rather they 
                         tell in Asgard?  That Skurge the 
                         Executioner fought Thor and lost 
                         again, or that he fought bravely to 
                         help drive the trolls from Midgaard?

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         Thou art still my enemy, Thor.

                         And thou art mine.  But even enemies 
                         may fight on the same side sometimes.  
                         When the time comes, we will fight 
                         again in Asgard.  



                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         I will think on it.

               Skurge steps out of the hole he made in the museum wall.  
               Thor follows, to...

               EXT. MUSEUM - MJOLNIR'S ROOM -- DAY

               Even though the museum isn't the focus of most of the damage, 
               it's still a chaotic scene with people running all over.  
               Despite this, Thor and Skurge walk out calmly together.  
               They don't even seem to notice that a police car has pulled 
               out and two officers inside.

                         Dost thou know how many of my enemies 
                         have come through?

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         I know not, we were not a united 
                         band.  A hundred trolls, at least, 
                         rushed the bridge.  There may have 
                         been others behind us.

                                     POLICE OFFICER #2

               Skurge and Thor both turn, somewhat amused.  Skurge continues 
               as though there has been no interruption.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         I will tell thee this, the trolls 
                         were told Thor was stuck in a place 
                         called Bellevue, but we don't know 
                         this land.  They've had to ask 

                                     POLICE OFFICER #2
                         I said Freeze!  Put your hands up, 
                         and drop your weapons.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         What is that in his hand?

                         A Midgaard weapon.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         But it's so tiny.  What's it for, 
                         hunting the ratatosk of Yggdrasil?

                              (to police officers)
                         Enforcers of Midgard's laws, know 
                         this, we are not enemies of yours.



                                     POLICE OFFICER #2
                         Hands up.

                         I am Thor, god of Thunder.

                                     POLICE OFFICER #2
                         I don't care if you're Paris frickin' 
                         Hilton, the city's going to hell, so 
                         put your hands up or I will shoot.

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         If he attacks, vow or no vow, I will 
                         kill him.

                         Does thy axe let thee fly?

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         Flying is for women.

                         Then I'll take us.

               THOR begins to spin his hammer, holding it in the direction 
               of the police officer, so that when he begins firing, it 
               also serves as a shield.  With his free hand, he holds Skurge 
               by the back of his armor.  Very quickly, he gets enough speed, 
               and throws the hammer in the air.  We cut quickly to a 
               closeup, seeing him let go and immediately grab on again, 
               and the hammer carries him up up and away, while being fired 

               EXT. NEW YORK - SKY -- DAY

               What follows is a quick, dramatic effects shot.  They fly 
               out of range of the cops, and towards areas that trolls are 
               ravaging.  We see 

               Thor change direction and zooms down towards them.

                         Hast thou decided on my offer?

                                     SKURGE THE EXECUTIONER
                         I'm in the mood to slay something.  
                         It might as well be trolls.

               They are now travelling low and slow enough that Thor just 
               tosses Skurge into a pack of three trolls (who are tearing 
               into a hot dog stand or some other food vendor), much to his 
               surprise.  Thor moves on to the air.

               EXT. BELLEVUE HOSPITAL -- DAY

               Jane Foster pulls the bike up in front of the hospital. 




               Continuing, we see her enter the hospital and rush up to 

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Get administration.  We need to call 
                         for an emergency evacuation of as 
                         many patients as we can as quickly 
                         as you can.


                                     JANE FOSTER
                         You know what's going on?  There are 
                         monsters loose in the city... and 
                         they're coming here.

               EXT. NEW YORK - TIMES SQUARE -- DAY

               Thor lands in Times Square, where a troll is tearing through 
               a heavy police response team.  They are not doing well, as 
               their weapons are all but useless.  They've just launched a 
               spray of tear gas which seems to be doing nothing but 
               obscuring the view.  Thor spins his hammer and creates a 
               great wind, blowing the gas away.

                         Stand aside, lawmen.

                                     TALL TROLL
                         So it is thee, Thor.

                         It is I.  Who told thee where I was?

                                     TALL TROLL
                         Only Ulik knows that.  I'm glad of 
                         thee, Thor.  These mortals break too 
                         easily.  Thou wilt at least give me 
                         a challenge.

                         Yes, but who will give a challenge 
                         to me?

               He strikes swiftly and savagely.  One troll is really no 
               threat.  He turns swiftly to stone.  One of the police 
               officers, CAPTAIN STACY, ventures forward.

                                     CAPTAIN STACY
                         Is it dead?

                         Yea, and nay.



                                     THOR (CONT'D)
                         Trolls turn to stone when gravely 
                         wounded, but unless the stone is 
                         smashed they can be revived with the 
                         proper magicks.  This one should 
                         trouble thee no further.

                                     CAPTAIN STACY
                         Who are you?

                         I am Thor, lord of Thunder.  Mark my 
                         words, thy guns cannot penetrate 
                         troll hide.  Weapons made of cold 
                         iron would do better, if thou hath 
                         them, or weapons thy soldiers carry.  
                         Tell thy kinsmen on the radio.  If 
                         thou canst not fight them, run.  

                                     CAPTAIN STACY
                         What about you?

                         I will take as many as I can.  I am 
                         Asgardian, I can take any troll.

               A new voice joins the conversation, as it's revealed five 
               new trolls have entered the area.  Their leader, a QUICK 
               TROLL speaks.   

                                     QUICK TROLL
                         Can thou?  Then how about five?

               Thor smiles grimly.



               Security forces are now gathering around  

                         You don't understand, I can't just 
                         order an evacuation on your say so...  
                         Do you realize what's involved, how 
                         many patients lives are at risk?  
                         We've got more patients coming right 

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         I know, but all of our lives are at 
                         risk right now.  Any ambulance coming 
                         here needs to be diverted to somewhere 

               Doctor Simonson appears.  



                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         She's telling the truth, they're 
                         reporting it now, they seem to be 
                         headed right for us.  Do it, I'll 
                         take the responsibility.

               EXT. NEW YORK - TIMES SQUARE -- DAY

               Thor continues to fight.  He's even enjoying the struggle.  
               He quickly takes down the next two trolls, leaving one left.  
               The largest leers at him.  Thor throws his hammer, but the 
               QUICK TROLL is able to dodge it.  He laughs.

                                     QUICK TROLL
                         Ha, a miss, so even the mighty Thor 

               He doesn't get to finish, for we see the hammer turning and 
               flying along its previous path, and smacking into the troll's 
               head along the way.  He falls to the ground, but does not 
               turn to stone.  Thor looks up at the sound of a strange horn.

                         What's that?


               The horn is much louder here.  Everybody looks confused.  
               Jane moves to the door and looks out the window.  We follow 
               her gaze to..

               EXT. BELLEVUE HOSPITAL -- DAY

               A horde of trolls surround the hospital.

               EXT. NEW YORK - TIMES SQUARE -- DAY

               Thor grabs the quick troll, raises the hammer to his face.

                         What is that sound?

                                     QUICK TROLL
                         It is one of our commander's horns.  
                         They are to blow when we've found 
                         thee, or found the place called 

                         The hospital.

               He drops the troll, bashing it once so it turns to stone, 
               and takes to the sky.



               EXT. NEW YORK - RAINBOW BRIDGE -- DAY

               There is now a military perimeter around the opening to the 
               Rainbow Bridge.  They're tense, watching behind them as much 
               as towards the bridge, because trolls are still out there.  
               They snap to an even more ready state as the bridge begins 
               to shimmer again, and three men, Odin, Loki, and Balder walk 
               down it.  A GENERAL speaks through a loudspeaker.

                         This is your only warning.  Go back 
                         to whereever the hell you came from 
                         immediately, or we will open fire.

               The three Asgardians exchange a look, amused.

                         Midgaard's changed.  Shall we go 
                         find our lost Lord of Thunder?

               He steps forward, and the military embankment open fire.  
               Before they can reach any of the Asgardians, Odin raises a 
               hand and, with a flash of light, time seems to stop for the 
               military.  The three walk through the group without any 
               interference.  Odin himself raises an arm, and two ravens 
               fly out of the sky to land on it.  They make a cawing sound, 
               and the god nods as though he understood.

                         This way.

               Loki looks disdainfully at the a military man as he passes 
               an artillary shell frozen in midair.

                         Foolish mortals.  Challenging gods.

               EXT. BELLEVUE HOSPITAL -- DAY

                                     HORN-BLOWING TROLL
                         Come out, Thor. 

               Jane Foster steps out, nervously.  Doctor Simonson and the 
               security team follow.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         We don't have anyone named Thor here.  
                         Please go away.  There are injured 
                         people here who mean you no harm.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         You're making a mistake.  Please, 
                         we're healers.

               A LACKEY TROLL tosses a small chunk of concrete at the doctor, 
               hitting his head, and knocking him out.



                                     LACKEY TROLL
                         Ha, my aim is true!

               The security team raise their weapons uncertainly.  Jane 
               motions for them to stop.   

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Please.  Thor has gone.  Just leave 
                         us alone.  

                                     LACKEY TROLL
                         If Thor's not here, Ulik will be 

                                     HORN-BLOWING TROLL
                         Silence, fool.  Ulik says Thor is 
                         trapped in the form of a mortal in 
                         this hospital.

                                     LACKEY TROLL
                         But he could be anyone.  How will we 
                         know which it is?

                                     HORN-BLOWING TROLL
                         We'll just have to kill all of them.    
                              (motioning to Jane 
                              and Doctor Simonson)
                         Kill them first.

                                     THOR (O.S.)
                         I say thee nay.

               Thor lands, and strikes the HBT with one blow, knocking him 
               down.  There are many though, and Thor gets to show off his 
               fighting ability taking out troll after troll.  Some of the 
               trolls are armed.  During the fight, a troll with a spear 
               throws it and it's deflected towards the hospital.  Jane is 
               wounded.  Thor notices this quickly, and shouts.

                                     THOR (CONT'D)

               Enraged, he pushes the nearest trolls off him, and whirls 
               his hammer down into the ground, unleashing a barrage of 
               lightning.  The trolls are dead, turning to stone shortly 
               after being hit.  He rushes to Jane, who is injured.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Don.. Don...

                         I'm here, Jane.  I must..

               A team of doctors who were inside watching come rushing to 
               her side.



                                     ER DOCTOR
                         Sir... sir...

                         Thou hast to.. you have to.  No... I 
                         know not what to do.  As Thor, I'm a 
                         warrior, not a surgeon.

                                     ER DOCTOR
                         We know what to do.  Just back away, 
                         sir.  We've got this.

                         I must do something, but I know not.

                                     ER DOCTOR
                         If you want to do something, keep 
                         the monsters away from here so we 
                         can help her.

               They began to medically lift Jane and do what they can to 
               stabilize her condition.  Thor strides back to the Trolls, 
               and picks up the horn.

                         Yes, it's time to end this, once and 
                         for all.

               He launches the hammer into the air and follows it. 

               EXT. NEW YORK - CITY STREETS -- DAY

               We see a series of quick shots showing different people and 
               trolls hearing the call to arms.


               Thor stands upon Belvedere castle, blowing the horn.  We see 
               a huge number of trolls, perhaps every one in the city, 
               gathering nearby.  Thor shouts to the assembled.

                         Where is thy leader?  Show thyself!  
                         Ulik, I would have words with thee.

                         Here, Thunder God.  

                         My terms are these.  Return to Asgard 
                         with thy brothers and swear never to 
                         return.  Harm no one on the way.  
                         And tell me who sent you here.  For 
                         that, you may live.



                         You jest, Thor.  I have been waiting 
                         for this day.  For over a thousand 
                         years I've plotted my revenge, and 
                         it is sweeter than I had imagined.  
                         I alone am a match for thee now, and 
                         my army would tear thee to pieces on 
                         the way.  We may live above the 
                         surface now.  Midgaard is my empire.  
                         Beg the Lord of Midgaard for thy 
                         life and I will consider it.

                         Nay.  Fighting thy army has cost too 
                         much already.  This ends now.

                         Thou wilt what?  Challenge me to 
                         single combat again?  Thou might not 
                         findest it so easy this time.

                         Nay.  No more games.

               Thor takes to the sky.  In a CGI effect, he begins flying in 
               a circle, moving faster and faster, whipping the clouds up 
               into a huge funnel.  Finally, we see a vision of Asgard in 
               the sky.  Above it, the sun streams out.

                                     RANDOM TROLL
                         Nay, the sun of Asgard!

               The assembled trolls all start to turn to stone. 

               EXT. NEW YORK STREET -- DAY

               Balder, Odin and Loki look upwards to the vast portal of 
               Asgard in the sky.



                         I can see my hearth from here.

               Loki looks annoyed, and continues walking.

                                     BALDER (CONT'D)
                         Well, that should take care of the 
                         trolls, then.

                         Not all of them.




               Ulik is the only troll who has not turned to stone, although 
               he shields his eyes with his hands.  Thor lowers himself to 
               the ground.

                         What sorcery is this?

                         I'll let thee wonder, while thou 
                         rests in Valhalla.

                         Thy arrogance is astounding.  Thou 
                         hast already lost.

               He launches his hammer at the ground, provoking another 
               lightening storm.  Ulik is once again unharmed.  He laughs.

                         It is not I who have lost.  I am 
                         immune to all thy magics, and I am 
                         far stronger than when last we met.  
                         I will rend thee in twain, then 
                         reawaken my army, and conquer this 

                         I say thee nay. 

               Thor charges into battle, which rages for a while and spills 
               out of the park and into the streets, where Ulik throws cars 
               and buses around.  Thor flies around and throws his hammer, 
               which always returns to his hand.  We also see a helicopter 
               in the air, which attracts Ulik's attention first, and then 
               Thor's.  A moment later, a missile fires and hits Ulik almost 
               dead on, flinging him across the street.  Thor, who recognized 
               the missile for what it was, got out of the way in time but 
               his attack on Ulik was momentarily halted.  


               Ulik spots a subway tunnel entrance.

                         The insects of Midgaard carry quite 
                         the sting, but I tire of fighting 
                         insects.  Follow me on my domain, or 
                         I'll slay every mortal I find.

               He runs into the subway tunnel. 

               INT. SUBWAY PLATFORM - DAY

               Ulik runs through the tunnels down to the platform, sparking 
               a panic.  Thor wades his way through fleeing pedestrians.



               Ulik tears right through the turnstyles and even throws a 
               person backwards.  Thor catches the person before he slams 
               into the wall and lets him go.  Continuing his flight, Ulik 
               jumps onto the track and begins running inside the tunnel. 

                         Ulik, halt!

                         Come, Thor... come to thy Doom, on 
                         my terms.

               INT. SUBWAY TUNNEL - DAY

               Thor jumps down as well.  He walks down the tunnel.

                         Are thou such a coward that thou 
                         wouldst dare not face me in the light, 
                         even with thy new powers?

               Ulik's reply marks him down the tunnel a ways. 

                         I had all the advantages when last 
                         we fought, Thor, one thousand years 
                         ago.  Yet  my rightful victory away 
                         was snatched away.  Let's see if 
                         thou can do it again.  Asgardians 
                         aren't used to fighting in tunnels.

                         This isn't an ordinary tunnel, Ulik.

               As he walks furthur in, he begins spinning his hammer in his 
               hand, leaving slight trails of lighting that provide a dim 
               illumination.  There is a rising noise in the background of 
               an approaching train.  

                         Yes, it smells of man.  Do men of 
                         this world live like trolls?  All 
                         the more fitting that... what sorcery 
                         is this?

               Ulik turns, looking towards the rapidly approaching lights.

                                     ULIK (CONT'D)
                         Come, dragon.  I think I'm strong 
                         enough for thee too.

               The train barrels down on Ulik, who pushes his hands out as 
               though to stop it.  His strength is incredible, actually 
               able to stop it, although he is pushed backwards in the 
               process and the train is attempting to apply the brakes.



               Towards the end of his struggle, Ulik turns to put his back 
               into it, aiming his front towards Thor, and we can see Ulik's 
               belt is glowing slightly.  Thor reacts in realization.  
               Finally, the train comes to a complete stop.  Ulik turns 
               towards the subway driver and growls.  The subway driver 
               panicks and starts for the rear of the train.

                                     ULIK (CONT'D)
                         This is a world of strange wonders.

               Thor rushes Ulik, trying to grab the belt.  Ulik's reach is 
               longer and he stops Thor easily, laughing.  He throws him, 
               slamming him into the tunnel wall.

                         The belt.  That's Asgardian magic.

                         Thou shalt never lay a hand on it.

               Thor makes a few more tries, getting beaten back progressively 
               harder each time.  Finally, he lies back on the ground, and 
               Ulik walks past him, then reaches down and pulls back a piece 
               of the subway rail, making an impressive weapon.

                                     ULIK (CONT'D)
                         So ends Thor.  Not even Odin will 
                         know thee by thy corpse's mangled 

               Thor grabs his hammer, which had fallen beside him.

                                     ULIK (CONT'D)
                         I've knocked the wits from thee, 
                         Thor.  Hast thou forgotten thy hammer 
                         cannot hurt me?

                         Thou knowest little of this world.

                         I'll have time to learn.

               Ulik stands over Thor.

                         I'll teach thee something now.  Right 
                         now, above us, is a mighty river.  
                         If I can't break thee, I'll break 
                         the stone.

                         Thou wouldst not.  It would drown 
                         thee too.



                         So be it.

               With one hand, he throws the hammer, smashing a pipe, which 
               begins spraying Ulik, surprising him and making him look up.  
               The hammer returns to Thor's hand.


               Thor moves quickly, clearly not as injured as he seemed to 
               be, grabbing Ulik's belt and tearing it off him while he's 
               distracted.  Ulik shrinks a little, visibly, as the water 
               tapers off down into a trickle, then looks down.  Thor hits 
               him with a mighty blow, knocking him backwards in the 
               direction of the subway platform.  Thor looks at the belt as 
               though considering putting it on, then throws it behind him.  
               He stumbles towards the direction of Ulik, clearly still 
               severely injured.

                                     ULIK (CONT'D)
                         A dishonorable trick, Asgardian.

                         Thou hast no cause to speak of honor.

                         Still, I can see thou art weaker 
                         than I.  I am Ulik, strongest of all 
                         the trolls.  I wager I can still 
                         tear thy neck from thy head, and 
                         with no sky above thee there is no 
                         thunder at thy command.  

                         Then come, Ulik.  

               The fight continues, much more even this time around, but 
               Thor clearly having the upper hand, landing more and more 
               hits and knocking the troll furthur and furthur backward. 

               INT. SUBWAY PLATFORM - DAY

               Soon, the fight has taken the two near the platform again.  
               Ulik is weary and wounded.

                         Halt, Thor, enough I yield.  I will 
                         leave Midgaard.  Thou hast bested 

                         That is not enough, coward.  I hath 
                         told thee what I want in exchange 
                         for thy freedom.



                         I cannot tell thee, Thor.  I made a 
                         blood oath.  It would mean my death 
                         to speak the name.  I'd rather be 
                         killed in battle.  

                         No.  Thy quest for revenge may have 
                         cost one I hold dear.  For that I 
                         won't even grant thee an honorable 
                         death. I shall drag thee to Asgard 
                         and our sorcerors will pull it from 
                         thee.  Thou wilt live in chains.   

                         I yield.  I cannot tell thee what 
                         you wish, but if not death, grant me 
                         my freedom and I will never return 
                         to Midgaard, I swear it.  I will not 
                         leave the lands of the trolls until 
                         Ragnarok itself.

                         Nay.  The time is past for deals.  

                         Please thunder god, I yield!  Let me 
                         do so honorably.

               Thor pummels Ulik with the hammer repeatedly as he speaks 
               the next line.

                         I say thee nay! 

               Ulik falls.  Thor lowers his hammer, exhausted.  He is 
               surprised when Odin, Balder, and Loki enter.  Loki hops one 
               of the remaining turnstyles, although the others go through 
               the area Ulik destroyed.

                         Thou hast fought well, my son.


                         Epics will be written of this, cousin.

               Loki looks unimpressed as Odin rushes to hug Thor in a manly 

                         Yes, well done.  That deception in 
                         the tunnel showed unusual cleverness.  
                         For you, I mean.



                                     LOKI (CONT'D)
                         Still, perhaps you have learned 
                         something in your time here.  

                         You saw all that transpired?

                         The lord Odin used his all seeing 
                         eye to show us your victory. 

                         I am proud of thee.  Ulik was a 
                         formidable foe.

               Odin embraces Thor again.  Loki moves past him to the body.  
               We see that he is still breathing, but Loki lays a hand on 
               his chest and whispers something inaudible.  Ulik begins to 
               turn to stone.

                         There is more to be done... someone 
                         told Ulik and the trolls where to 
                         find me, and supplied Ulik with the 
                         belt.  We can question him in the 
                         dungeons of thine palace.

                         Nay, brother.  Perhaps you've 
                         forgotten your own strength.  Ulik 
                         has expired.  He is an ex-troll.  
                         See, his body has turned to stone.


                         Indeed.  We'll bring him back to 
                         Asgard and cast the spells to bring 
                         him back, but he will remember little 
                         of the last year.

                         Then I suppose we shall never know 
                         how he learned of me, or where he 
                         got the belt.

                         Perhaps not.  I am merely relieved 
                         that my warning to you came in time 
                         for you to escape.

               Thor is clearly not buying this, but Loki doesn't care, 
               smiling cheerfully, and conventions of their relationship 
               dictate it not be questioned openly.



                         I suppose that was thy intent all 

                         Of course, brother.  I knew you would 
                         find a way out if motivated enough. 
                         And just in case you failed, I left 
                         immediately to tell Odin of your 
                         trouble.  Not that you needed his 
                         help. Have you not always triumphed 
                         over adversity?   

                         Indeed.  My son, it is clear thou 
                         hast proven thy worth, and have 
                         learned thy lesson.  Thy punishment 
                         is over.  

                         No, father, thou must return your 

                         Must I?

                         Jane Foster of Earth, she is wounded.  
                         And there are others, victims of the 
                         troll rampage.  I need Blake's 
                         knowledge of medicine to aid them. 

                         But thou art Thor, God of Thunder, 
                         and these are mortal lives.  What 
                         concern is this of thine?

                         It is my responsibility.

                         And thou wouldst return to the form 
                         of poor, weak, Donald Blake?

                         He can help, where I can not.   That 
                         is not weakness.

                         Then thou mayest return.  Simply tap 
                         thy the hilt of thine hammer on the 
                         ground twice.

               Thor does so.  In a flash of light, Donald Blake is there 
               once more, holding his cane.  He's in surgical scrubs.  He 
               looks up at the three gods beside him.



                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         It really is all true, then...

                         It is.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                              (noticing it for the 
                              first time)
                         The scrubs?

                         Thou wilt need them where thou art 
                         going.  Thou hast learned that the 
                         life of mortal Donald Blake is worth 
                         no less than that of Thor.  And so I 
                         restore Blake's life, and his 
                         reputation.  None shall know of 
                         Blake's connection to Asgard, nor 
                         remember his time in the house of 
                         the mad.  Thou were a healer were it 
                         not for Thor, and so thou shalt be 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Thank you. 

                         Come, let us go where thou art needed.

               Odin waves a hand, tracing runes in the air again.  There is 
               a flash of light, and they are at...


               The two appear in a small unused hallway, right off the 
               emergency room where a triage is set up.  As he steps out, 
               he's seen by the CHIEF RESIDENT.

                                     CHIEF RESIDENT
                         Doctor Blake!  Thank goodness you're 
                         here, we've been paging you for an 

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         It's been a little crazy out there.

                                     CHIEF RESIDENT
                         It's been even crazier in here.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Do you know what happened to Nurse 
                         Foster?  I heard she was injured.



                                     CHIEF RESIDENT
                         She's out of surgery, they think 
                         she'll be okay, but there's a lot of 
                         other people who aren't, so let's 
                         help them before you go check on 
                         your girlfriend, okay?

                                     DONALD BLAKE

               He moves in to help assess a patient.  We see a quick montage 
               of shots of Blake helping out, performing surgery, and then, 
               one of him exhausted, taking off his mask.  Next we move to:

               INT. INTENSIVE CARE - DAY

               Blake sits in a quiet vigil by Foster's bed.  After a few 
               seconds, she stirs, and looks around.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Shhh, it's okay Jane, you're all 

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Where am I?

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         In the hospital.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         So I guess it wasn't a dream then.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I'm afraid not.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Monsters really attacked the hospital?  

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         They're gone now.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         There was a big guy, with a magic 
                         hammer, fighting them.  

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         The news has been calling him Thor.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         So I guess this Thor guy's the big 
                         hero of the day then.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I don't know.



                                     DONALD BLAKE (CONT'D)
                         He had the powers of a god, and he 
                         used them to fight the trolls who 
                         were after him.  But if you ask me, 
                         you're the real hero, just an 
                         extraordinary person who risked her 
                         life to help everyone she could.

                                     JANE FOSTER
                         Well, it's all in a day's work.  And 
                         I always said I wanted a few days 
                         off, catch up on my sleep. Next time 
                         I'll just call in sick. 

               She begins to drift off again.  The door opens, and Doctor 
               Simonson steps in.  

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         She is asleep.

               Blake looks up, surprised to see him.   

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         It's the medication.  What are you...?

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         I came to say goodbye.  

                                     DONALD BLAKE

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         My job here is done, I'm returning 
                         to Asgard.

               Blake takes a new look at him.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Who are you?

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         You don't think Odin would have let 
                         you go through this alone?  Or that 
                         a doctor would have handed over his 
                         keys so casually?  It is I, Heimdell, 
                         temporarily bound to this mortal, 
                         much as you were.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         Heimdell.  So all this time you were 
                         lying to me.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         I follow Odin's law in all things.  
                         He bade me not to tell you until you 
                         had learned what you needed to learn.



                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON (CONT'D)
                         Now that it is done, I must move on 
                         to a new task.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         What's that?

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Odin wishes me to guard Bifrost, the 
                         rainbow bridge.  He erred in sending 
                         you here, the treaty is broken, and 
                         Midgaard is fair game again.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I'm sure you'll guard it well.  But... 
                         there are other ways to get here 
                         from Asgard.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Indeed.  They may well need a 
                         protector here, as well.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I will take the responsibility.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Odin thought you would.  But know 
                         this... your exile is ended.  You 
                         may make Midgaard your home, but 
                         nothing stops you from visiting us 
                         in Asgard.  You know the way.

               Heimdell looks down at the cane.  So does Blake.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         I do.

               They shake hands, Asgardian style. He reaches behind him and 
               reveals Ulik's belt.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         Before I go, a gift.  Spoils of 
                         battle, really.  Odin says it will 
                         increase Thor's strength tenfold.  
                         Now I take my leave.

               As Doctor Simonson reaches the door, he looks back at Jane.

                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON (CONT'D)
                         She's very comely, for a mortal.  
                         I'll spare Sif the heartbreak of 
                         telling her you have found another.

                                     DONALD BLAKE
                         We're just good friends.



                                     DOCTOR SIMONSON
                         I know better than that.  Be warned, 
                         though.  You walk in two worlds now, 
                         the world of mortals and the world 
                         of Gods.  One day you may find you 
                         must choose only one, or face 
                         belonging to neither.  I wish you 
                         luck.  May next we meet in Asgard.

               CREDITS ROLL


               Passerbys are looking at the paper, which reads, "MODERN DAY 
               NORSE GOD?" and discussing it.  In particular we focus on 
               two lawyers.  

                                     LAWYER #1
                         I don't know, if you ask me, the 
                         guy's a big scam.  The whole thing 
                         was a hoax.

                                     LAWYER #2
                         No way, I saw one of those monsters.  
                         They weren't a hoax.  If this is the 
                         guy that stopped them, he's a hero.

               They pass by Loki, who is running a game of three-card monte 
               to little interest.

                         Your friend there's right.  The man's 
                         no hero.  You think it's a coincidence 
                         he and the trolls shows up at the 
                         exact same time?

                                     LAWYER #2
                         What are you saying, he set them up?

                         I'm not saying anything, I'm just 
                         pointing out the facts.  I don't 
                         think it matters.  Thor won't be 
                         with us very long.

                                     LAWYER #1
                         What makes you say that?

                         Just a hunch.  Behind every great 
                         villain, there's a hero plotting to 
                         take him down.  And vice versa.  So 
                         either way, he'll be gone before too 
                         long, mark my words.  



                                     LOKI (CONT'D)
                         So, what do you say gentlemen, pick 
                         a card, pick a card, just keep an 
                         eye on the queen.

                                     LAWYER #1
                         Oh, come on.  That's one of the oldest 
                         scams in the book.

                         Well, what can I say?  I'm a sucker 
                         for the classics.